
  1. 伟大创造时代的宋代建筑

    Architecture in the Great Creative Era , Song Dynasty

  2. 宋代建筑营造团队探究

    Study on the Team for Building in Song Dynasty

  3. 这种强烈的环境意识,在很大程度上促进了宋代建筑技术与艺术的发达。

    This intense awareness of circumstances largely promoted construction technology and art in Song Dynasty .

  4. 宋画中反映的宋代建筑及其环境的资料非常丰富、全面。

    The architectures and architectural circumstances have been reflected in the paintings of Song Dynasty extremely rich .

  5. 本篇继续论述宋代建筑的剖面设计、立面设计和铺作(主要研究简洁型的铺作)。

    This part deals with the cross section design , facade design and the bracket set of the timber structure in Song Dynasty .

  6. 宋代建筑实物遗存相对较少,建筑之环境也迭经破坏、改造,这限制了我们对宋代建筑的认识和研究。

    The architecture relics of Song Dynasty remain relatively few , its circumstances have been damaged and rebuilt repeatedly , so it limits us to study the real architectures .

  7. 根据对相关资料和数据的统计,关中地区道教遗存建筑共有239处,其中宋代建筑1处,元代建筑10处,其余均为明清建筑,且以清代建筑为主。

    According to the relevant data and data statistics , there were guanzhong area remains Taoism in Song dynasty , including building 239 , building 10 , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties buildings for the rest , and in Qing dynasty architecture .