
  1. 但是梅尔并不认为爱是完美世界独有的。

    However , Maier does not view love as being reserved for a perfect world .

  2. 跟之前的许多男人一样,Henry在她完美世界里到处拉屎。

    Charlotte realized , like so many males before him ...... Henry had shit all over her perfect world .

  3. 这些基金把矛头指向那些在美国退市、而后以3到5倍于私有化估值的股价在中国国内证交所重新上市的公司,包括分众传媒(FocusMedia)、巨人网络(GiantInteractive)和完美世界(PerfectWorld)。

    These funds point to companies that have delisted in the US only to re-emerge on Chinese exchanges - including Focus Media , Giant Interactive and Perfect World - at valuations three to five times higher than the price at which they went private .

  4. 在完美世界里,感激就够了。

    In a perfect world , gratitude would be enough .

  5. 在一个完美世界里,你能交付更相关的信息,并少花费金钱。

    In a perfect world , you can deliver a more relevant message and spend less money .

  6. 你是如何创造卓越的感觉,唤起一个完美世界的感觉?

    How do you create the sense of transcendence , the sense of evoking a perfect world ?

  7. 生活是艰难的,如果不是,那我们就是生活在一个完美世界里的完美的人。

    Life is hard : if it wasn 't , we would all be perfect people living in a perfect world .

  8. 但当亚当和夏娃得罪了神,他们破坏了神为他们以及他们以后的所有人预备的完美世界。

    But when Adam and Eve sinned against God , they spoiled God 's perfect world for themselves , and for everyone who would come after them .

  9. 网络游戏“完美世界”开发商的董事长池宇峰是该校最富有的校友,财富达265亿(39.7亿美元)。

    Chi Yufeng , chairman of online game developer Perfect World , is the university 's richest alumni , with a personal wealth of 26.5 billion yuan ( $ 3.97 billion ) .

  10. 只有他们知道犯罪前完美世界的奇妙生活,也只有他们最清楚所犯的罪带给世界的深深灾难。

    They would be the only people to know how wonderful it was to live in a perfect world , and then to know the deep sorrow of what their sin had done to the world .

  11. 我们并非生活在完美的世界里。

    We do not live in an ideal world

  12. 我们生活在一个并不完美的世界上。

    We live in an imperfect world

  13. 在一个完美的世界中,BaselineV1从来不会变化。

    In a perfect world Baseline V1 would never be changed .

  14. 在一个完美的世界里,任何遭遇困境的机构不仅仅是雷曼兄弟和mfglobal都会被允许破产。

    In a perfect world , any institution that ran into trouble not only Lehman Brothers and MF global would be allowed to fail .

  15. 到目前为止,我们的示例依然存于一个完美的世界中,每次只有一个管理员对DC进行更改,从不会出现冲突情况。

    Thus far our examples have existed in a perfect world , where only one administrator is making changes to a DC at a time and nobody ever steps on anyone else 's toes .

  16. 如果是在完美的世界里,参议院多数党领袖里德(HarryReid)和众议院议长博纳(JohnBoehner)上周发现美国奥运代表团队服乃“中国制造”这一情况时可能会这样说:相关报道小事一桩。

    In a perfect world , here 's what Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. John Boehner might have said when confronted last week with the revelation that China stitches together U.S. Olympic uniforms : ' Small potatoes .

  17. 在完美的世界里,这样的事是不会发生的。

    In a perfect world things like this wouldn 't happen .

  18. 无论如何,这不是个完美的世界。

    Any how , It 's not a perfect world .

  19. 在完美的世界里,不会有纳普斯特这种公司出现。

    In a perfect world , Napster wouldn 't have come along .

  20. 我们需要多少勇气才能面对这个不完美的世界呀?

    How much courage do we need to face this imperfect world ?

  21. 我会创造一个完美的世界。

    Then I wiII create a new perfect worid .

  22. 看来命运注定了我没有完美的世界。

    See come to destiny to destine me to have no perfect world .

  23. 你能想象在如此完美的世界中,生活会有多美好吗?

    Can you imagine what life would be like in a perfect world ?

  24. 因此,我们的世间免不了是一个不完美的世界。

    This being the case , our world is necessarily an imperfect world .

  25. 要是我们生活在一个完美的世界就好了。

    If only we lived in a perfect world .

  26. 但这并不一定总是好的,因为你到底如何定义完美的世界?

    This is not always good , because what is your perfect world ?

  27. 燕尾服和薄纱礼服的世界一个完美的世界

    of tuxedos and chiffon , a perfect world .

  28. 我们生活在并不完美的世界中。

    We 're living in an imperfect world .

  29. 但在这个并不完美的世界中,母爱是最完美的。

    But in this not perfect world , the maternal love is most perfect .

  30. 在一个完美的世界中,没有任何事物是不能够被软件所修正的。

    In a perfect world , there would be no such thing as software rework .