
  • 网络religious stage
  1. 从神道到人道&谈礼在原始宗教阶段的演化及其对早期民族精神的影响

    From Shintoism to Humanism & A Discussion of Li Evolution in the Stage of Primitive Religion and its Impact on Our Early National Spirit

  2. 西周礼乐文化是中国早期文化经过了巫术和宗教阶段以后出现的、体现着人文理性精神的文化形态,是文化由低级阶段向高级阶段发展的必然结果。

    After the age of witchcraft and religion , Rites and Music Culture in the West-Zhou Dynasty reached a humanistic reasonable stage of Chinese culture , which was the necessary result of Chinese culture developed from lower stage to higher stage .

  3. 宗教文学阶段,他的民族意识表现为本民族&回族认同;

    At the religious literature stage , his national consciousness is recognized as the acceptance of his own nationality , namely the Hui-nationality ;

  4. 远溯到各大宗教早期发展阶段,女性曾经在其中发挥了重要作用;

    Women played an important role in the early stage of development of the major religions in the world .

  5. 周代是宗法性传统宗教的确立阶段,也是原始宗教文化的演化时期。

    The patriarchal traditional religion was finally established during the Zhou Dynasty , at the same time , the primitive religious culture was changing continuously .

  6. 两汉时代是中国古代宗教的萌生阶段,民间社会充满着浓厚的神鬼气氛,巫与巫术盛行。

    Two-Han Dynasty was a period in which Chinese ancient religions was germinated , the atmosphere in folk society was full of ghosts and spirits and , witches and witchcrafts were very popular .

  7. 到十九世纪,宗教思想处于危机阶段。

    In this nineteenth century , the religious idea is undergoing a crisis .

  8. 新时期统一战线宗教制度的发展阶段及内涵

    The Development Stage and Connotation of the Religion System under the United Front of the New Period

  9. 在孔子言论和思想中,其宗教性处于潜在阶段。

    In the speech and the thought of Confucius , its religious characteristics existed in potential stage .

  10. 六朝是我国宗教发展的关键阶段,佛教的渐兴、道教的兴盛与民间巫风相互鼓荡,使得这一时期的民间信仰尤为的驳杂。

    Six Dynasties is the key phase of development in our religion . Buddhism , Taoism and witch , maks this period of folk belief is particularly complex .

  11. 信教群众对宗教在新的阶段的重新理解和认识,将帮助我们继续研究宗教在开放、稳定、发展的社会环境中如何动态的发展,提供研究依据。

    Believers in the new stage of religion to understand and know that will help us continue to study of religion in opening and stable development of the social environment , to provide dynamic development , according to the study .

  12. 原始宗教是指宗教的初级阶段,它产生于旧石器时代中期,以自然性、平等性、全民性为特征。

    Pre historic primitive religion originated in the middle stage of Paleolithic age with the characteristic of being natural , equality and social .

  13. 文化人类学家认为的“原始宗教”、“宗教的初级阶段”其实所指是巫术;

    The anthropologists think that the so-called primitive religion and the primary stage of religion are witchcraft in nature .

  14. 近代史以新航路的开辟为出发点,包括文艺复兴、宗教改革和反宗教改革等阶段,而这个视野涉及经济、宗教和艺术等方面。

    The modern history includes the Opening of the New Route , Renaissance , Reformation and Ant-Reformation and this view about economy , region and art .

  15. 第一小节为美国主流宗教的形成,重点论述了新教一统天下的阶段;新教、天主教、犹太教三位一体主流宗教的并存阶段。

    The first section describes the formation of the American mainline religion , mainly discussing the stage that the Protestant is in the absolute advantage position ; the formation stage of the mainline religion of Protestant , Catholic , Jew " Trinity " .

  16. 列宁以马克思主义宗教观为指导,把马克思主义宗教观与俄国革命与国情相结合,把马克思主义宗教观发展到列宁主义宗教观的阶段。

    Lenin looked Marxist view of religion as a guide . He joined the Marxist perspective on religion with the Russian revolution and the national conditions . Marxist religious view was developed to the religion-Leninism stage .