
  • 网络clan culture
  1. 宗族文化的血缘性与现代化的业缘性相悖;

    In essence clan culture conflicts with modernization of countryside .

  2. 宗族文化与农村现代化

    Clan Culture and Countryside Modernization

  3. 传统的客家宗族文化与宗族认同心理,是一个尚待开拓的领域。

    Traditional Hakka culture and psychological recognition of clan are undeveloped field .

  4. 土家族农村地区宗族文化变迁与村寨治理

    Culture of Clan Changes and Village Governance in Rural Areas of the Tujia Nationality

  5. 就宗族文化的再生产提供一份文化细描的资料,希望能为宗族文化再生产的讨论贡献绵薄之力。

    Secondly , devoting a date for discussing the reproduction about the lineage culture .

  6. 宗族文化与社区历史&以湖北土家族地区为例

    The Culture of Clan and the History of Community & Taking the Region of Tujia , Hubei for Example

  7. 因此,研究古村落,宗族文化是一个十分重要的视角和理论分析框架。

    Therefore , the research of the ancient village , clan cultural is an important theoretical perspective and analytical framework .

  8. 宗族文化是传统中国乡土社会的重要特征,也是传统中国乡村治理的主要载体。

    Clan culture is an important feature of traditional Chinese local society and the main vector control of traditional Chinese village .

  9. 宗族文化能够满足人们最基本的感情,于是在新时期自发恢复和发展起来。

    The patriarchal clan culture can satisfy the people most basic sentiment , therefore restores spontaneously in the new time and develops .

  10. 人民公社时期,这种宗族文化受到压制,改革开放以后又出现了一定程度的复萌。

    This culture was suppressed during the period of the People 's Commune but revived in certain degrees after Opening-up and Reform .

  11. 宗族文化对新农村建设的影响

    The Preliminary Study of Clansmen cultural Influence to the New Countryside Construction On Criticism of Patriarchal Clan Culture in the Early 20th Century

  12. 徽州的家族文献与宗族文化&以歙县吴氏《冲山家乘》为中心

    Family documents and ancestral culture of Huizhou & set the wu 's " Chongshan family tree " in She county as a center

  13. 从祠堂视角看明至民国初期佛山宗族文化景观的流变和社会文化空间分异

    Change and Social-cultural Spatial Differentiation in Clan Cultural Landscape in Foshan from the Ming Dynasty to Early Republic of China-A Perspective of Ancestral Halls

  14. 明清商人会馆中的封建宗族文化传统起源于商帮的封建宗法性,具有特定的文化载体。

    The feudal clan 's culture of the guilds originated from the merchant and the patriarchal clan system in ming ? Qing Dynasty which is the specific cultural carrier .

  15. 文章通过对土家族宗族文化功能的分析,指出了其对构建当代和谐社会的借鉴作用,并对其当代调适提出了一点浅见。

    The function of clan culture in Tujia ethnic minority people in South-west Hubei were analysed and current adjustment was raised to provide reference for the construction of harmonious society .

  16. 这些珍贵的历史文化遗存,可以使我们大体了解我国古代“耕读社会”与“宗族文化”的梗概。

    These valuable historical and cultural relics , can enable us to generally understand China 's ancient " plowing the fields of society " and " clan culture " sketch .

  17. 它包括历史文物遗迹、姓氏宗族文化、方言文化、民居文化、饮食文化、服饰文化、民俗文化、民间文艺等。

    It consists of historical interests , family development , dialect culture , habitation culture , dinning culture , garment culture , folk custom , local culture and so on .

  18. 在生态环境、社会经济结构、历史条件等因素的作用下,水族的小农文化特质综合体、宗族文化特质综合体、水书文化特质综合体得以形成。

    By the effects of environment , social economic structure and historical condition , the syntheses of cultural trait of the Shui 's petty farmers and written language can be formed .

  19. 分析了中国传统文化中存在着现代法治的基因以及乡村宗族文化的特征,提出了乡村宗族文化中蕴涵的规范意识是农村法制的生长点;

    The author believes that the traditional culture has the gene of modern legal system in China . This article has analyzed the characteristics of rural patriarchal clan culture . The author thinks the standard consciousness in the traditional culture is the soil of rural legislative construction ;

  20. 它们构成了宗族在文化的基本形态。

    They constitute the basic form of clan in the culture .

  21. 中国村落宗族社会是文化人类学研究的一个热点。

    The Lineage Society in the village has become the hot topic in the cultural anthropology research .

  22. 本文研究的这两个宗族组织在文化和仪式上仍对村庄产生影响,但在其他方面则影响不大。

    This study found that that the two lineages have an effect on the cultural and the ceremonial rites in the village , but few effects on the other areas .

  23. 同时也揭示出黄氏宗族客家住屋文化是在客家文化和广府文化的相互渗透融合中形成的。

    Meantime the paper discovers the architectural culture of the Hakka house of Huang Family came into being by Hakka culture and Guangzhou culture mixed together and infiltrated into each other .

  24. 屈原作品中表现出的是一种强烈的生命意识,反映了他的宗族感情和文化意识,体现出诗人对生命的独特领悟以及他的人格追求。

    Those poems display his strong life consciousness , reflect his clan emotion and cultural ideas , and embody the poet 's special perception to life and his pursuit to dignity .

  25. 不仅村民自治这种制度供给未能树立应该有的权威,连宗族这种传统文化的整合形式也未能发挥作用。

    Not merely this ( kind ) system of the villager 's autonomy fails to ( establish ) some ( authorities ,) even the merger form of this kind of traditional ( culture ) of the clan fails to function .

  26. 600多年来,它成为该村田姓宗族的标志性文化,并逐渐拓展为村落信仰中心。

    It has become the symbolical cultural of Tian clan in the village 600 years ago , and then developed as the village faith center .

  27. 《狱中上母书》是少年英雄夏完淳临刑前写的家书,信中既流淌着作者至真至纯的个人情感,也表现了忠孝节义和宗族意识的民族文化心理。

    The letter presented his truest personal love and hatred , and also showed ethical psychological characters of loyalty , filial piety and natural religious belief .

  28. 宗族(家族)文化是中国农村生活的一个重要层面,村民自治更是中国政治制度一个非常重要的部分。

    Clan ( lineage ) culture is an important layer of Chinese country life , and villagers ' self-governance is a quite important part of Chinese political system .

  29. 本文通过对河南中部一个家族在当代背景下重建过程的描述与分析,力图展示在社会转型期宗族(家族)文化的传承与变异。

    By describing and the analyzing the reconstruction process of a lineage of middle Henan under modern background , the dissertation has demonstrated inheriting and variation of lineage culture in social change period .

  30. 这两个组织的建立和运转都与宗族领袖、村落文化系统紧密相关,也一定层度上体现了村民的心理需求。在现代性的进程中研究宗族组织,需要转换视角。

    The two are closely linked with the leader of the lineage and the cultural system of the village . At a certain level , the lineages are full of the psychological needs of the villagers . A change of perspective is required for a modern study for lineage .