
  1. 戒是三学之首,是获得定慧的基础。

    Being the first in " the Three Studies ", Precepts are the basis for getting Meditation and Wisdom .

  2. 他这麽教导是因为觉知是最最重要的事,它可以使我们成就戒定慧。

    He taught this because awareness is the most important thing : it leads us to have sila , samadhi , panna .

  3. 必须从基础教育开始,把戒定慧思想运用到生活当中。

    From the starting the basic education , one should think and rely on precept , concentrate and wisdom to apply to the life itself .

  4. 真正对佛法有信心,又能够修道,由修戒定慧而得的神通才是真正的神通。

    The powers coming from having true faith in the Dharma , from practicing the Way , from practicing morality , meditation , and wisdom are the truly extraordinary powers .

  5. 这一时期成立的定慧社等结社组织对佛教思想文化从王室贵族向民间普及的重要作用。

    Established during this period of association and other social organizations Meditation-Wisdom Buddhist ideology and culture of nobility from the royal family to the popularity of the important role of civil society .