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dìng qī
  • periodical;regular;time;regular basis;at regular intervals;fix a date
定期 [dìng qī]
  • [fix a date] 给予某一事物以确定或好像确定的期限

  • [time]∶已知、规定或预测时期

  • 定期保单

  • 定期保险

定期[dìng qī]
  1. 它和其他类型的设备一样,也需要定期检修。

    Like any other type of equipment it requires regular servicing .

  2. 定期维修可保持发动机的顺畅运转。

    Regular servicing guarantees the smooth operation of the engine .

  3. 他的财政问题几乎定期成为头条新闻。

    His financial problems hit the headlines with almost metronomic regularity .

  4. 55岁以上的男性应定期做前列腺癌检查。

    Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer .

  5. 我们定期清洗和修理机器。

    We clean and repair the machines as a matter of routine .

  6. 她信守诺言,定期去看望姑妈。

    She kept her promise to visit her aunt regularly .

  7. 这笔款项已作定期投资。

    The money has been invested for a fixed period .

  8. 菜谱定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。

    The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from .

  9. 设备定期进行检查。

    The equipment is checked on a regular basis .

  10. 这项法律可强制父亲定期支付子女的费用。

    The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children .

  11. 设备定期进行检查。

    Periodic checks are carried out on the equipment .

  12. 所有设备都应该定期彻底打扫。

    All the equipment should be cleaned down regularly .

  13. 水的纯度定期检测。

    The purity of the water is tested regularly .

  14. 他不定期地看望父母。

    He visited his parents at irregular intervals .

  15. 农作物定期喷洒杀虫剂。

    The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides .

  16. 庄稼定期喷洒杀虫剂。

    The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide .

  17. 对这些植物定期做病害检查。

    The plants are regularly inspected for disease .

  18. 他们采用了新的制度,所有的雇员都必须定期进行培训。

    They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training .

  19. 水的纯度定期受到检测。

    The water is regularly tested for purity .

  20. 兄弟教会成员定期聚集祈祷。

    The Brethren meet regularly for prayer .

  21. 他定期向大赦国际捐款。

    He subscribes regularly to Amnesty International .

  22. 定期查看新邮件。

    Check regularly for new mail .

  23. 邮寄名单定期更新。

    Mailing lists are updated periodically .

  24. 要定期检查轮胎的气压。

    Check the tyre pressure regularly .

  25. 我们的记录定期更新。

    Our records are regularly updated .

  26. 她定期来为我们照看小孩。

    She regularly babysits for us .

  27. 要定期检验刹车。

    Test your brakes regularly .

  28. 德莫特把钱存在一个定期存款账户里。

    Dermot 's putting his money by , in a Deposit Account

  29. 我们将定期在那里会面。

    We 're going to be meeting there on a regular basis

  30. 一定要定期备份文件。

    Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals