
  1. 我管那个叫宫爆鸡丁。

    I call that one my Kung Pao chicken .

  2. 宫爆鸡丁&这道菜使用了嫩鸡肉,因为它是快速煎炸而成的。

    Gong bao ji ding-This is a tender chicken dish , tender as the meat is quickly fried .

  3. 此外,“东坡肉”和“宫爆鸡丁”也是深受欢迎的菜肴。

    In addition , " Dongpo Pork " " diced chicken stir-fried with chili and peanuts " are also popular dishes .

  4. 我们这里的宫爆鸡丁、糖醋排骨、古老肉和烧茄子都很有名。

    The Kong Pao chicken , sweet nad sour pork ( ribs ), sweet and sour pork and braised eggplants here are very famous .

  5. 我想我要一份宫爆鸡丁,这是他们的招牌菜。吃中餐,不外乎鱼香肉丝、宫爆鸡丁这个水准。

    A : I think I 'll have a Kung Pao chicken , since that 's their specialty . When eating Chinese food it 's nothing fancy only dishes like Sze-chuan pork and Kung Pao chicken .

  6. 宫爆鸡丁是中国人非常喜欢的一道川菜,其实它的做法并不复杂复杂,下面我将介绍它的做法。

    The temple explodes the chicken cube is a Szechwan cuisine that the Chinese like very much , in fact not complicated complications of its way of doing , underneath I will introduce its way of doing .

  7. 宫爆鸡丁虽然吃上去不够正宗,但味道很不错,因为奇特的海鲜酱使它带上了一丝甜味。服务员:当然可以。我们这里的宫爆鸡丁、糖醋排骨、古老肉和烧茄子都很有名。

    Kung pao chicken although not authentic in my opinion tasted delicious with an unusual touch of hoisin sauce that added a slight sweetness . Certainly . The Kong Pao chicken , sweet nad sour pork ( ribs ), sweet and sour pork and braised eggplants here are very famous .