
  • 网络pest resistance;pesticide resistance
  1. RAPD作为一种方法简单、操作简便的分子生物学技术,在昆虫分类学,物种亲缘关系,系统发育,有害生物鉴定,害虫抗药性诊断和生态学等方面的研究中应用颇广。

    Random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) is simple and operates conveniently as one kind of molecular biology technology , so it is widely applied in the insect taxology , species related relationships , phylogeny , the pest appraisals , the drug resistance diagnosis and ecology etc.

  2. 同翅目害虫抗药性研究进展

    Advances in study on resistance of homopteran pests to chemical insecticides

  3. 农药混剂对害虫抗药性发展影响的探讨

    Effect of Insecticide Mixtures on Insecticide Resistance Development in Pest

  4. 浙江省主要害虫抗药性发展现状及治理策略综述

    Status on Management Strategies of the Insecticide Resistance to Agricultural Insects in

  5. 采用化学方法防治,存在害虫抗药性增强和污染环境等问题。

    There are the problems of drug resistance and environmental pollution by chemical control .

  6. 棉花主要害虫抗药性现状及治理对策

    Current Situation and Management Strategies of Insecticide Resistance of Main Cotton Pests in Shanxi

  7. 拟除虫菊酯的结构与害虫抗药性的关系

    Structure - resistance relationship in pyrethroids

  8. 害虫抗药性及其治理

    Resistance to Pest and its Management

  9. 本文就害虫抗药性适合度与内分泌调控研究进展作了概述。

    The advances in studying resistance fitness of insect pest to insecticides and the mechanism of endocrinic regulation were reviewed .

  10. 特别是茶叶中农药残留,害虫抗药性和再增猖獗问题越来越突出。

    Especially the insecticide residues in the tea , the resistance and resurgence of the pests have become more and more serious .

  11. 另外,随着储粮害虫抗药性的提高,它们的种类和密度近年来有上升的趋势,这给粮虫的自动检测提出了更高的要求。

    In addition , with the increase of the stored-grain pests ' drug fastness , their category and dense are increasing in recent years .

  12. 为此,人们不得不进行有害生物抗药性的研究,而害虫抗药性的研究则一直是有害生物抗药性研究中最活跃的领域。

    Therefore people have to study the pest resistance , and insect pests resistance to insecticides is the most active study in this area .

  13. 本项研究解决了目前化学防治方法造成的农药残留及污染、害虫抗药性日益严重的问题,通过改变害虫生态环境达到有效杀灭害虫的目的。

    The study solved the problems such as chemical residue pollution and insect resistance development and killing insects by changing the insect ecological envionment .

  14. 这对降低防治成本,扩大防治范围,延缓害虫抗药性的产生具有重要意义。

    This finding is of great significance in reducing the cost of control , extending the scope of control and delaying the development of insecticide-resistance of the pest .

  15. 自20世纪90年代以来,由于气候变暖、耕作制度改变、杂交稻种植面积扩大及害虫抗药性等原因,稻螟连年大爆发,对水稻的高产优质造成严重威胁。

    Since 1990s , there have been outbreaks in China because of the changes in climate , rice cultivation system , the extension of hybrid varieties and insecticide resistance .

  16. 对电生理技术在昆虫毒理学、害虫抗药性、昆虫视觉等领域中的应用研究现状进行了综述,并讨论了电生理技术在昆虫学研究上的发展前景

    The application of electrophysiology in insect toxicology , resistance to pesticides and insect vision electrophysiology in insect was reviewed And the developmental prospect of this research in entomology was also discussed

  17. 化学农药的广泛使用对农业发展和粮食安全起了重要作用,但是由于害虫抗药性的发展,防治抗药性害虫正变得越来越困难。

    The widespread use of chemical pesticides has played a very important role in agriculture and food security . Due to the development of pesticide resistance , pest prevention and control is becoming more and more difficult .

  18. 目前,关于果树害虫抗药性研究的文献较多,本文就果树害虫抗药性监测、产生抗药性的机理及抗药性治理方面的研究进行了总结,并在此基础上提出一些果树害虫抗药性治理的建议。

    At present , there were already many documents about pest resistance , therefore , studies on monitoring of pest resistance , resistance mechanism and resistance harness were concluded . Eventually , suggestions about resistance control are also presented .

  19. 由于对化学农药的过分依赖,导致菜田化学农药滥用普遍,害虫抗药性发展迅速,环境和产品的农药残留超标严重等现象。

    Over dependence on pesticides to control pests have resulted in serious problems , such as the ubiquity of improper use of pesticides , fast development of the pests ' resistance and high residue in the environment and the products , etc.

  20. 山东省是我国大蒜的主产区,因该虫常年发生危害严重,目前主要使用有机磷类杀虫剂灌根防治幼虫,导致害虫抗药性增加和产品中农药残留超标。

    Shandong Province is the main producing areas of garlic in China . So , onion flies occurred every year and are harming seriously . Nowadays , extensive application of organophosphate pesticides to control larvae leads to pests ' resistance and products ' contamination .

  21. 过量使用化学农药造成了荔枝园生态系统的破坏、害虫抗药性增强及再猖獗、果实品质下降及环境污染等一系列严重问题。

    Owing to excessive pesticide used , a series of serious problems are produced , for example , the destructive of the ecosystem in the litchi-orchard , the pest anti-chemical and re-rampancy , the decreasing of the fruit quality and the environment pollution , etc .

  22. 甜菜夜蛾抗药性的研究进展害虫的抗药性机制

    Research on Advances of Insecticides Resistance and the Effect of Mechanisms

  23. 农药的大量施用不仅对环境造成严重污染,而且使大量害虫产生抗药性。

    The use of insecticides does not only bring benefit to human beings but also cause serious environmental pollution .

  24. 农业害虫的抗药性研究&Ⅱ.江苏省棉蚜对几种常用杀虫剂的抗性测定和评价

    A study of resistance of agricultural pests to insecticides & ⅱ . an evaluation of the resistance of cotton aphids to insecticides in Jiangsu Province

  25. 害虫的抗药性机制九孔鲍肠道及其养殖水体中异养细菌抗药性研究

    Research on Advances of Insecticides Resistance and the Effect of Mechanisms Antibiotic resistance of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from abalone ( Haliotis diversicolor ) farming waters and their digestion guts

  26. 由于农药的长期大量使用,引起环境污染、杀伤天敌、害虫产生抗药性等问题。

    With a long-term and heavy use of pesticides , a series of negative questions such as environmental pollution , resistance , resurgence and natural enemies killed , are rising .

  27. 随着绿色无公害果品需求量的不断增加,传统的化学防治由于易造成环境污染且易使害虫产生抗药性,已经不能满足现代水果产业发展的要求。

    With the increasing demand on green and non-pollution fruits , traditional chemical control measures for diseases and insect pests , which cause environmental pollution and make the pests and pathogens become resistence to pesticides and fungicide , can not meet the need for contemporary fruit industries .

  28. 卫生类化学农药的长期使用产生了一系列的副作用,如卫生害虫的抗药性、影响人类健康等问题。植物精油是一类由小分子化合物组成的植物次生物质。

    With the use of chemical pesticides , chemical pesticides caused a series of problems , such as resistance of health pests , the destruction of human health and so on . The essential oils are plant secondary substances and consisted of simple compounds with less molecular weight .

  29. 小菜蛾是世界性的十字花科蔬菜的重要害虫,同时也是抗药性产生和发展最严重的害虫之一。

    Plutella xylostella ( Linnaeus ) is one of the most important pests on cruciferous vegetables . And it also was one of the most serious emergence and development of drug-resistant pests .

  30. 由于绿地害虫日益呈现多样化以及害虫抗药性的逐渐增强,数据库收集的害虫资料和预防信息也需要同步更新,因此本系统相应的增加了数据管理功能。

    Because of diversification of pests of green space and gradual strength of resistance to pests , pests data and prevention information also need to be synchronously updated . Therefore , data management function was added into this system that can manage pests information in database rapidly and effectively .