
  • 网络Osculating value method;close-value method;osculating method;topsis method
  1. 应用密切值法综合评价隧道出碴作业主要有害因素

    Synthetical evaluation of the main hazardous factors in tunnel outlet work by close-value method

  2. [结论]密切值法能够准确合理地评价科研课题的产出质量。

    [ Conclusion ] Close-value method can evaluate the output quality of the research projects precisely and rationally .

  3. 服装CAPP系统中运用密切值法实现服装归号

    Study on Ascription of Dress Mark with Osculating Value Method in Garment CAPP System

  4. 采取重心法选址模型、多目标模型(AHP方法)、密切值法等方法相结合,解决多目标多配送中心选址问题。

    With combination of gravity method , AHP method and topsis method etc. , the paper solves the problem of location decision of multi-object and multi-distribution centres .

  5. 利用密切值法对市区1999一2003年腐竹监督监测情况进行综合评价。各年度的腐竹监督监测情况好转趋势分析方法为,将年份作为自变量,密切值即C值作为因变量,进行回归分析。

    The osculating value method was used to evaluate the yuba supervision condition of 1999 to 2003 . The decreasing trend of osculating value ( C value ) was tested by using regression analysis with C value as dependent variable and inspection years as independent variable .

  6. 改进密切值法优化大气环境监测布点

    Optimization of atmospheric environmental monitoring sites with modified intimate value method

  7. 改进密切值法及其在水资源可持续利用评价中的应用

    Evaluation of Water Resources Based on the Modified Osculating Value Method

  8. 密切值法模型在县域主导产业选择中的应用

    Application of Osculating alue Method in Selection of County Dominant Industry

  9. 多目标决策的密切值法及其应用研究

    Osculating value method of multi - objective decision and its application

  10. 水环境质量密切值法综合评价&以福州市内河水质状况变化趋势分析为例

    The Overall Evaluation of Water Environmental Quality with Intimate Data Method

  11. 密切值法在矿山安全管理评价中的应用

    Application of Osculating Value Method in Evaluation for Mine Safety Management

  12. 运用密切值法评价医院科室工作质量

    Evaluating Hospital Office Work Quality Evaluated by the Osculating Value Method

  13. 农业灌溉序贯决策的广义密切值法

    Close Value Method for Decision Making of Agricultural Irrigation Procedures

  14. 方法:运用密切值法进行统计分析。

    Methods . Data was analyzed with osculating value method .

  15. 福建省大气环境质量的改进密切值法综合评价

    Air Quality Comprehensive Assessment in Fujian Province Using Modified Intimate Data Method

  16. 密切值法在区域综合环境动态分析中的应用

    Application of The Osculating Value Method to The Comprehensive Environmental Dynamic Analysis

  17. 密切值法在麻风防治中的应用

    The Use of Intimate Value Method in Evaluating the Quality of Leprosy Control

  18. 用密切值法优选油田开发方案

    Application of MCZ method in oilfield development plan optimization

  19. 基于密切值法的矿井通风方案优化与探讨

    Optimization of mine ventilation scheme based on osculating value method and its discussion

  20. [目的]运用密切值法对医学科研课题产出的质量进行综合评价。

    To evaluate the output quality of the research projects by Close-value method .

  21. 研究结果表明:密切值法是一种有效而又实用的多目标决策方法,值得在其它领域推广应用。表4,参5。

    Therefor , it was an efficient and practical method of multi-objective decision .

  22. 土壤质量排序和分类研究中密切值法的应用

    Application of osculating value method for prior order and classification of soil quality

  23. 用改进的密切值法综合评价农业技术经济方案

    Comprehensive assessment of agricultural economic projects using osculating method

  24. 环境质量综合评价中的密切值法

    Close value method of synthetic evaluation CF environmental quality

  25. 密切值法用于纸或纸板的综合性质量评价

    The Application of Close Value to Integrated Evaluation of the Quality Paper and Cardboard

  26. 应用密切值法对住院工作质量的综合评价

    Synthetic evaluation of the quality of hospitalization task applying the value of osculation method

  27. 运用密切值法对初步设计中的采矿方法进行优选

    Application of osculating value method for optimal selection of mining methods in preliminary design

  28. 密切值法在污水土地处理工程选址中的应用

    Application of osculating value method in site selection of land treatment project for wastewater

  29. 基于密切值法的我国农村可持续发展水平的测度

    Evaluation of Rural Sustainable Development on the Basis of Osculating Value Method in China

  30. 密切值法与污染损失率法在大气环境质量评价中的综合应用

    Comprehensive Application of Association Value Method and Pollution Lost Rate Method on Air Quality Assessment