
  • 网络FTSE Index;FTSE Indices
  1. 英国研究人员在分析富时指数公司(FTSE)高管的业绩时也得出了相似的研究结果。

    British researchers found a similar result when they analysed the results of FTSE chief executives .

  2. “我们没有使用富时指数(FTSE),因为世界顶级品牌中有8个在美国,如果参照富时指数,可能会受到汇率变化的扭曲,”MillwardBrownOptimor高级咨询师马尔特•努恩(MalteNuhn)表示。

    " We didn 't use the FTSE , as eight of the world 's top brands are in the US so it would be skewed by currency effects ," says Malte Nuhn , senior consultant at Millward Brown Optimor .

  3. 自2002年12月到2008年5月,Liv-ex100指数上涨了158%,而相比之下,富时指数的涨幅为45%,标准普尔500指数涨幅为50%。

    From December 2002 to May 2008 , the Liv-ex 100 Index was up 158 per cent , compared with the FTSE , up 45 per cent ; and Standard & Poor 's , 50 per cent .

  4. 富时指数下跌,而欧洲股市微升。

    The FTSE slipped while European equities edged ahead .

  5. 英国方面相对来说好一些,单也不太多。富时指数所涉及的100家公司中,5家拥有女老板。

    Britain does better , but not much : five of the FTSE-100 firms have female bosses .

  6. 更糟糕的是,他们是仅有的两家登上英国富时指数绩优股名单的创新技术企业。

    More damningly , they are the only two innovative tech outfits in the FTSE index of leading shares .

  7. 格赖斯更乐于援引历史书籍,而不是武断地判言富时指数的未来方向。

    Grice is a strategist who 's happier quoting from history books than pontificating on the future direction of the FTSE .

  8. 富时指数上英国大公司们市值的大跌导致他们可投资资金的减少。

    As the FTSE falls value is knocked off the UK 's biggest companies , leaving them with less money to invest .

  9. 他指出,富时指数今年每一次跌至低位,同一天往往紧接着出现大幅上涨。

    He points out that the lows reached by the FTSE this year have typically been followed by sharp upward movements the same day .

  10. 它指出,虽然女性新雇员占白领比例57%,但是在富时指数的100个大公司里,执行理事也就17%,首席执行官只有可怜的4%。

    It notes that although women in Britain account for 57 % of new recruits to white-collar jobs , they make up just 17 % of executive directors and a mere 4 % of chief executives of the FTSE 's 100 biggest companies .

  11. 据ActionAid统计,富时100指数(FTSE100)成份股企业中,有98家使用避税港。

    Tax havens are used by 98 of the FTSE 100 companies , according to Action Aid .

  12. 然而,富时环球指数(ftseworldindex)今年的涨幅仅为3.4%。

    However , the FTSE world index has risen by just 3.4 per cent this year .

  13. 富时环球指数(FTSEWorldequityindex)周一上涨0.6%,至355点,为2008年9月中旬以来最高水平。

    The FTSE World equity index rose 0.6 per cent to 355 , its highest level since mid-September 2008 .

  14. 东盟最近合作推出了由40只领先股票组成的富时东盟指数(ftseaseanindex)。

    The grouping recently co-operated to launch the FTSE ASEAN index of 40 leading stocks .

  15. 富时亚太指数(ftseasia-pacific)上涨2.4%,至188.07点。

    The FTSE Asia-Pacific index gained 2.4 per cent to 188.07 .

  16. 富时亚太指数(FTSEAsia-PacificIndex)上涨0.7%,至245.12点,为2008年8月以来的最高水平。

    The FTSE Asia-Pacific index gained 0.7 per cent to 245.12 , its highest level since August 2008 .

  17. 富时亚太指数(ftseasia-pacificindex)上涨1.2%,至241.09点,达到3个月来最高水平。

    The FTSE Asia Pacific Index gained 1.2 per cent to 241.09 , its highest close in three months .

  18. 过去10年,富时100指数成分股企业CEO的收入增长了2.5倍。

    In the last decade the pay of CEOs in the FTSE 100 has jumped two and a half times .

  19. 富时环球指数(ftseall-worldindex)自三月份低点已上涨31%。

    The FTSE all-world index has risen by 31 per cent since its march low .

  20. 报告称,最近的一项研究发现,在富时100指数(FTSE100)成份股公司中,80%的首席执行官(CEO)有过驻外经历。

    It said a recent study had found that 80 per cent of FTSE 100 chief executives had experience of international assignments .

  21. 在截至7月份的一年里,富时100指数成份股公司CEO的薪酬总额平均为300万英镑(不计养老金)。

    The total package of a FTSE 100 chief executive in the year to July was on average 3m before taking account pensions .

  22. 例如,在富时环球指数(ftseallworldindex)中,美国市场占总市值的41%,而中国仅占1.48%。

    For example , the US markets make up 41 per cent of the market capitalisation of the FTSE all world index . China only makes up 1.48 per cent .

  23. 富达中国特殊情况基金(fidelitychinaspecialsituations)仍将是16年来新成立的最大投资信托公司,有可能直接纳入富时250指数(ftse250)。

    The China Special Situations Fund will still be the biggest new investment trust launch in 16 years and is likely to move straight into the FTSE 250 index .

  24. 过去两周,以富时环球指数(FTSE-AllWorldindex)衡量,全球股市几乎毫无间断地上涨了12%。

    Over the past two weeks , stocks , as measured by the FTSE-All World index , rose 12 per cent , virtually without interruption .

  25. 多数富时100指数成分股公司都将年报以大型PDF文件的形式放在网上,打开或下载的速度很慢。

    Most FTSE 100 companies put their annual reports online in large PDF files that were slow to open or download .

  26. 有个事实更令人担忧,Autonomy并非初创企业,而是富时100指数(FTSE100)长期以来的成分股。

    More worrying is the fact that Autonomy was not a start-up but a longstanding member of the FTSE   100 index .

  27. 在本周的英美资源(AngloAmerican)会议和这个春季更晚时候的其他富时100指数(FTSE100)成分股公司会议上,投资者的不满情绪或许会再度爆发。

    Investors " impatience may erupt again at Anglo American 's meeting this week and at other FTSE 100 groups later this spring .

  28. 在过去五个日历年中,wpp的表现远远超过了富时100指数。

    Over the past five calendar years , WPP has materially outperformed the FTSE 100 .

  29. 富时100指数成份股、保险公司Admiral在2005年我加入董事会的时候,拟定了一份全部都是女性的入围名单。

    Admiral , the FTSE 100 insurance company , ran an all-female shortlist in 2005 when I joined the board .

  30. 随着欧洲和亚洲股市普遍上涨,富时环球指数(FTSEall-WorldIndex)上涨了0.8%,而美国国债价格和美元汇率有所下跌。

    The FTSE All-World index was up 0.8 per cent following gains across Europe and Asia , while US Treasuries and the dollar slipped .