
  1. 对称逻辑函数的零级核计算问题

    Computation of Level-0 Kernels of Symmetric Logic Functions

  2. 对对称逻辑函数的零级核计算问题进行了讨论,并给出了一个计算对称逻辑函数零级核的定理。

    The computation of kernels of symmetric logic functions was discussed and a new theorem for computing the level 0 kernels of symmetric logic functions was presented .

  3. 对称三值逻辑及对称三值CMOS电路

    Symmetric ternary logic and symmetric ternary CMOS circuits

  4. 对称三进制逻辑CMOS电路的试制

    The Development of CMOS Symmetrical Ternary Logic Circuit

  5. 根据有关对称三进制逻辑的资料,结合CMOS电路生产工艺特点,设计并试制了对称三值逻辑CMOS系列电路。

    A CMOS symmetrical three-valued ternary logic circuit was designed and fabricated , based on the information associated with symmetrical ternary logic combined with CMOS circuit processing features .

  6. 本文提出了采用对称三值逻辑PCM技术可以在有限的传输频带上提高信息传输密度和传输速率的理论分析。

    In this paper a theoretic analysis is given , which indicates that information transmission density and transmission rate can be increased within a limited transmission frequency band by using symmetric ternary PCM technique .

  7. 对称三值逻辑电路的真值矩阵分析法

    Analysis of a symmetrical ternary logic circuit by means of truth matrix

  8. 一种基于对称三值逻辑的多值学习网络

    A symmetric ternary logic based multi - valued learning network

  9. 格对称三值逻辑系统及其化简

    Lattice symmetric ternary logic system and its simplification

  10. 变量的对称性在逻辑综合与优化、工艺映射中起着非常重要的作用.如果事先得到变量对称的信息,就可以减小解空间,提高逻辑验证的效率。

    In logic synthesis and verification , information of symmetry variables can improve algorithms ' efficiency .

  11. 基于对称三值逻辑的集合

    Set Theory Based on ST Logic

  12. 应用开关信号理论,建立了基于对称二值逻辑的传输电流开关理论。

    By applying the switch-signal theory , the theory of transmission current-switches based on symmetric binary logic is proposed .

  13. 应用对称分析与逻辑推理方法讨论了荷电或载流界面处的场强计算问题,并给出了此类题的一般结论。

    The problem of calculation of field intensity on charged or current-carrying surface is discussed with the help of symmetric and logic method , and the general conclusion about this problem is obtained .

  14. 应用真值矩阵分析逻辑电路具有直观、简便的优点,并可由其运算结果导出一些对称三值逻辑运算的恒等式。

    Application of truth matrix to analyze a logic circuit is intuitive and simple , and the results may lead to the derivation of some identical relations of certain symmetrical ternary logic system .

  15. 根据二变量基本对称函数产生器的逻辑功能,结合多β晶体管独特的结构特点,设计了元件级的二变量基本对称函数产生器,用该对称函数产生器可实现任意对称函数。

    Both based on the logic function of two variable basic symmetric function generator and the distinctive structure of multiple β transistor , the method was proposed of how to design two variable basic symmetric function generator at component level .

  16. 对称与非对称三值逻辑的关系

    Relationship between symmetrical and unsymmetrical ternary logics

  17. 本文从负数表示的研究引入对称三进制系统与对称三值逻辑。

    Symmetric ternary systems and symmetric ternary logic are introduced from the research on the expression of negative numbers .

  18. 首先概述并辨析了对称性景观及其相关的基本理论,从对称性景观的起源起,分析人类对于对称的思维逻辑。

    Firstly , the paper outlines and analyzes the basic theory of symmetry landscape . It begins from the origin of symmetry landscape , and analyses the logical thinking of human about symmetry .