
  1. 小麦联合收割机跨区运输工况平顺性试验研究

    Experimental Research on Comfortable Properties of Wheat Combine in Highway Transportation

  2. 小麦联合收割机驾驶室基座横向振动的解析模型

    Analytic model of transverse vibration law of wheat combine driver base

  3. 1000系列小麦联合收割机辅助液压系统的故障分析

    Trouble Analysis of Auxiliary Hydraulic Systems in 1000 Series Combined Wheat Harvesters

  4. 小麦联合收割机的现状与展望

    Present Situation of and Prospects for Wheat Combine

  5. 微型小麦联合收割机是适用在山区和丘陵地区以及小块地作业的收获机械。

    The micro-combine harvester of wheat is suitable for working in the mountainous , hilly areas and small fields .

  6. 河北省小麦吸浆虫随联合收割机跨区作业传播的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on the transmission of wheat blossom midge by cross-operating of combine harvester in Hebei province