
  1. 经对直径300mm的除尘器作试验测定,用于除去200目以上的尘灰,效率达99%以上,压降不超过10mmH2O。

    The efficiency of dust separation was higher than 99 % for the dust through 200 mesh , while the pressure drop was lower than 10 mm H2O , at air velocities ranging from 0.4 to 1.7m/s .

  2. 本论文的创新点有:1.预处理工段:在公开发表的文献中,浸出黄磷电尘灰中镓,硫酸用量在(50g硫酸/50g电尘)以上。

    Pretreatment stage : In the published literature , The consumption of sulfate is more than ( 50g sulfuric acid / 50g flue dust ) for leaching gallium in flue dust .

  3. 我们可以将名字划在积满尘灰的墙上。

    We 're scratching our names on the dusty brown wall .

  4. 那么长久地等待她门后的尘灰。

    After the dust of that Her door for longing .

  5. 苍茫依然,光辉正穿透尘灰的层云。

    Misty it is still , glowing through clouds of dust and reek .

  6. 我身上披的是尘灰与死亡之衣;

    The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death ;

  7. 尘灰悬在空中标志着一个故事在这里告终。

    Dust in the air suspended marks the place where a story ended .

  8. 从铜冶炼厂电收尘灰中回收铜、锌

    Recovery of Copper and Zinc from Recovery Dust by Electricity of Copper Smeltery

  9. 一个老人衣袖上的灰是焚烧的玫瑰留下的全部尘灰。

    Ash on an old man 's sleeve is all the ash the burnt roses leave .

  10. 你吸入的尘灰曾经是一座宅邸——

    Dust inbreathed was a house -

  11. 即使此时有尘灰飞扬

    Even while the dust moves

  12. 碎片纷纷溅落,像一场翻滚的金属豪雨洒向塞伯坦遍布尘灰的大地。

    Debris spills down from it , tumbling to the dirty gray surface of Cybertron like metal rain .

  13. 眼下他正双手放在背后,用那双胶底运动鞋踢起尘灰,朝我们走来。

    Now he was walking toward us , hands on his hips , his sneakers kicking up little puffs of dust .

  14. 因此,黄磷渣及电尘灰的资源化是黄磷产业环保的一项重要课题。

    As a result , the recycling of phosphorus slag and flue dust is an important environmental issue of yellow phosphorus industry .

  15. 我披着尘灰与死亡之衣;我恨它,却又爱恋着拥抱它。

    The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death ; I hate it , yet hug it in love .

  16. 六个男孩,五个女孩,柔软、纤细,皮肤因为日晒和尘灰而色泽发暗。

    Six boys and five girls , lithe and thin , their skin dusky from the sun and a film of dust and ash .

  17. 一组扬声器给人人事事蒙上爱情的旋律,轻飏的微风给人人事事蒙上尘灰。

    A cluster of amplifiers spread the theme of love over everything and everybody ; the mild breeze spread the dust over everything and everybody .

  18. 为了怕衣物破损,或被尘灰玷污,他不敢走进世界,甚至害怕挪动。

    In fear that it may be frayed , or stained with dust he keeps himself from the world , and is afraid even to move .

  19. 本文介绍了湖南铁合金厂从炉外法冶炼金属铬收尘灰中回收氧化铬、再制取金属铬的工艺及试验情况。

    Abstract Process and tests on recovering chrome oxide in metal chrome dust by metallothermic reduction and then producing metal chrome in Hunan Ferroalloy Works are introduced .

  20. 我也知道什么是最低境界:不打扫自己所处之时代的或者自己内心的尘灰。

    I also know the lowest state : Not sweeping up the dust of the era in which one lives or not sweeping up the dust of ones inside body .

  21. 我们跨过围绕着军营的藩篱,跳过一条小溪,闯进那片开阔的泥地,那儿停放着积满尘灰的废旧坦克。

    We hopped the fence that surrounded the barracks , skipped over a little creek , and broke into the open dirt field where old , abandoned tanks collected dust .

  22. 生活本身毕竟是平淡的,那些过去的日子,就象断线而散落的珍珠,琐碎而珍贵,布满尘灰却历历在目。

    After all , life itself is plain , that in the past day , as disconnected and scattered pearls and precious trivial , covered with dust but I recall vividly .

  23. 诸位苦苦找寻的书可能在书架上,也可能就在桌子底下,或者就在一大堆书(书籍分层堆放,因阳光照射而褪了颜色,书上都积满了尘灰)的最底下。

    What you were looking for might just as likely be under a table as on a shelf , or at the bottom of a huge pile , layered with dust and sun-bleached .

  24. 在我的稿纸上,它们是代表怅惘的省略的句点;在我的书架上,它们是那本装帧精美,却蒙了尘灰的诗集;

    They imply , to me , the regretful full points omitted on my writing paper and equal to the collection of my poems on my bookshelf , beautifully designed and bound but dusty .

  25. 因此,即使最勤快的化石猎人在暴露的化石盘地被泥土和尘灰覆盖前也只能搜索一小部分,而之后就永远失去了进一步的调查机会。

    As a result , even the most diligent fossil hunters can search only a small fraction of the exposed fossil beds before they are covered by earth and dust , and lost to researchers forever .

  26. 我们会跑出去,看着他们的队伍在街道上行进,男人满身尘灰,脸色沧桑,女人披着长长的、色彩斑斓的肩巾,挂着珠链,手腕和脚踝都戴着银镯子。

    We 'd run outside to watch the caravan plod through our street , men with dusty , weather-beaten faces and women dressed in long , colorful shawls , beads , and silver bracelets around their wrists and ankles .

  27. 有时我给他念这段话的时候,他泪如泉涌,我总是很好奇,他到底为谁哭泣呢,为那个泪满衣襟、埋首尘灰、悲恸难当的罗斯坦,还是为即将断气、渴望得到父爱的索拉博呢?

    Sometimes tears pooled in Hassan 's eyes as I read him this passage , and I always wondered whom he wept for , the grief-stricken Rostam who tears his clothes and covers his head with ashes , or the dying Sohrab who only longed for his father 's love ?

  28. 减少熟料窑电收尘积灰短路的途径除尘灰喷浆工业实践

    Method of reducing dust accumulation short circuit for sintering kiln ESP system

  29. 本文对熟料窑电收尘仓内积灰短路的原因进行了系统的分析,提出改进措施并应用于生产,取得了巨大的经济效益和良好的社会效益。

    The article analyzes reasons of dust accumulation short circuit for sintering kiln ESP system and recommends improvements that have been applied in the production , which have obtained significant economic benefit and sound social benefit .

  30. 粉煤灰起尘污染大气和灰水下渗污染地下水是粉煤灰贮存过程中主要的环境污染问题。

    The pollution to the atmosphere and water resources caused by fly ashes is an urgent problem to be further solved in the construction and operation of fly-ash storing site .