
niào yè fēn xī
  • urinalysis
  1. 尿液分析联合检测的应用价值

    The applied value of combined urinalysis

  2. 对一切疑患外科感染的病员,都须做尿液分析和血常规。

    Urinalysis and complete blood count should be done on all patients suspected of having surgical infection .

  3. 我们向世界提供优质的尿液分析试纸!

    We supply quality urine test strip to the world !

  4. 控制影响干化学尿液分析的异常结果因素

    Control Influence Factors for Abnormal Result of Urine Liquid Analysis with Fuck Chemistry Methods

  5. 目的:建立尿液分析的标准化。

    Objective : To standardize the urinary analysis .

  6. 智能马桶中近红外光尿液分析的方案探讨

    A Scheme of the Analysis of Urine by Near-infrared Spectroscopy in the Intelligent Closestool System

  7. 收集尿样进行尿液分析。

    Urine samples were collected for urinalyses .

  8. 高原运动员高平训练期尿液分析

    Observation on Urine of Athletes Living in Highland During Period Between Altitude Training and Plain Training

  9. 结果两组运动前尿液分析均未见异常。

    Results Before exercise test , the urine analysis results for these two groups presented normal .

  10. 尿液分析标准化在临床上的应用

    Application of Standarized Urinary Analysis

  11. 治疗后6~12个月复查肾图、肾功能、尿液分析等均正常,尿乙醚试验均阴性。

    Posttreatment 6 ~ 12 months , the renogra , renal function and urinalysis were normal and the urine ethoxyethane trial was negative .

  12. 临床诊断应结合病史、尿液分析、影像学检查、病源学诊断等多种方法。

    The patient history , urine analysis , the image evaluation and pathogen-detection should be combined in the clinical diagnosis for renal tuberculoses .

  13. 本文介绍了由单片机及笔记本电脑构成的新型尿液分析系统,论述了系统的工作原理,硬件及软件的实现方法。

    This paper introduced the new urine analysis system composed by single-chip computer and notebook computer . It expounds the principle of the system and the method to realize the hardware and software .

  14. 这款马桶是为房产公司大和房建设计的,考虑到日本日益壮大的老年人队伍,这款马桶兼有尿液分析、为使用者量血压和体温,并用其内置地秤为使用者测量体重等多项功能。

    Designed for the housing company Daiwa House with Japan 's growing army of elderly in mind , it provides urine analysis , takes the user 's blood pressure and body temperature , and measures their weight with a built-in floor scale .

  15. 尿液自动分析、尿沉渣及尿常规镜检对尿中有形成份的对比分析正常女性盆底可视化与CT、MRI对比研究

    COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VISIBLE COMPONENTS IN URINE SAMPLES DETECTED BY DIFFERENT METHODS Comparative study of CT and MRI with the Chinese visible human in the female pelvic floor

  16. 本文方法用于尿液样品分析,尿液中硒的主要价态为以Se(-Ⅱ)形式存在的有机硒,无机态Se(Ⅳ)、Se(Ⅵ)的含量甚微。

    The method was used in the speciation analysis of selenium in urine sample . Results show that the dominant apecies of Se in urine was organic Se ( - II ), while Se ( IV ) and Se ( VI ) in inorganic states were of less importance .

  17. 尿液沉渣分析系统的研制及其数据管理系统的开发

    Development and application of urinary sediment diagnostic system and its data management system

  18. 结论:广东省临床实验室开展尿液沉渣分析检查规范化工作仍然十分不足。

    Conclusion : The standardization of urine sediment analysis is unsatisfactory in Guangdong province .

  19. 尿液生化分析是医院临床重要的检查诊断手段。

    The biochemical analysis of urine is an important inspection and diagnosis method in hospitals .

  20. 实验结果证实了近红外光谱法用于尿液临床分析的可行性及优越性。

    It is shown that the method is applicable to urine analysis in clinical tests .

  21. 以尿液为分析目标,考察了单/多级冷冻浓缩对尿液的预处理效果,以及反渗透膜对融冰的深度处理效果,并进行了能耗分析。

    Urine was adopted as sample for experiment . Effects of the single and multiple pretreatment of freeze concentration and the advanced treatment of reverse osmosis were investigated .

  22. 方法:采用尿质控物和病人数据两种质控方法分别对尿液常规分析的结果进行室内质控并考察各自的质控效果。

    Methods The results of the controls and urinalysis were reviewed whether to fall into the control range of the controls and the inpatient 's data by urine analyer .

  23. 目的:探讨尿质控物和病人数据同时作为尿液常规分析室内质控的可行性。

    Objective To study the feasibility of the control material and the inpatient 's data for urine which is simultaneously used on interlaboratory quality control ( IQC ) for urinalysis .

  24. 目的探讨流式尿沉渣定量分析仪、尿干化学分析仪及尿沉渣定量计数在尿液常规分析中的临床应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical values of the flow cytometer urine sediment quantitative analyser , urine dipsticks analyser and urine sediment quantitative counting , performed in regular sample urinalysis .

  25. 被调查的实验室在尿液沉渣分析检查的日常工作中符合我国血液学和体液学专家委员会公布《尿液沉渣检查标准化的建议》只占27.9%,不符合占72.1%。

    The sediment urinalysis routine was in accordance with the requirements of " The suggestions for standardization of sediment urinalysis " instituted by the expert committee in hematology and osology in 27.9 % of laboratories .

  26. 结果①调查显示我省县级以上医院有74.8%仍用普通玻片(或加盖玻片)直接镜检进行尿液沉渣分析检查,只有25.2%的医院采用商品化尿液沉渣检测系统。

    All laboratories were asked to test them and give the feedback . Results The survey clearly demonstrate 74.8 % of district hospitals still use the glass slide ( or with coverslip ) with microscope to do urinary sediment test . The rest of 25.2 % groups use commercial systems .

  27. 对EPO的检测建立在对血和尿液进行联合分析的基础上,2000年的悉尼奥运会上第一次实行了这种检测。

    An EPO detection test , based on a combination of blood and urine analysis , was first implemented at the Sydney Olympic Games in2000 .

  28. HT-2000型尿液分析仪故障分析与处理

    Malfunction Analysis and Disposal of HT-2000 Uric Analyzer

  29. 目的研究US2100R自动尿分析仪蛋白试纸反射率在尿液白蛋白定量分析中应用的可行性。

    Objective To research the possibility that test paper reflectivity of US2100R automatic urine analyzer applied in urine albumin quantitative analysis .

  30. 正常人尿液细胞定量分析参考值调查

    Investigation of the reference value of urinary cells'quantitive analysis from health person