
jú yù wǎnɡ
  • LAN;local area network;local network
  1. 可以通过局域网或因特网参加多人游戏。

    You can take part in multiplayer games either on a LAN network or via the internet .

  2. 在局域网内建立自己的WEB网站

    To Build Website in the LAN

  3. 用户可在由局域网或因特网连接的个人计算机之间很容易地传递文件。

    Users can easily move files between PCs connected by local area networks or the internet .

  4. 计算机网络包括局域网(LANs)、城域网(MANs)和广域网(WANs)

    Computer networks include local area networks ( LANs ) , metropolitan area networks ( MANs ) , and wide area networks ( WANs ) .

  5. 医院局域网Web交互式视频点播系统的技术实现及应用效果

    Technological realization and application of Web interactive VOD on hospital local area network

  6. 提出了一种采用控制器局域网(ControllerAreaNetwork,简称CAN)现场总线进行通信,实现DC/DC变换器并联均流的控制方案。

    A current-sharing scheme with communication by Controller Area Network ( CAN ) field bus is offered in this paper .

  7. 移动IP在无线局域网下的一种快速切换方法

    Fast handoff method for mobile IP over wireless LAN

  8. 局域网IP地址的盗用及防范

    Analysing peculate and defence of IP address in LAN

  9. 一种局域网IP电话驱动卡的硬件设计

    Hardware Design for a Kind of LAN Phone Card

  10. 局域网IP电话的QoS策略

    The QoS strategy of IP telephones on the LAN

  11. 打开无线局域网PC卡的效用。

    Open the wireless LAN PC card utility .

  12. 传统的基于单机或局域网的CAD软件应用正在逐渐发展为基于Web的应用模式。

    Traditional CAD software based on the stand-alone or LAN is gradually turned to the Web-based application mode .

  13. 基于局域网环境下的P2P信誉度问题的研究

    Research of Reputation Degree Question Based on Lan Circumstance of P2P

  14. IEEE802.11e无线局域网QoS的优化分析

    Optimization analysis of WLAN 's QoS based on IEEE 802 . 11e

  15. 局域网中基于ASP的办公信息的采集

    Collecting Office 's Information with ASP Web Server in Local Network

  16. 局域网IP电话系统设计

    LAN IP Telephone System Design

  17. 用VB实现的局域网通讯实验设计

    Design for Communication Experiment of Area Net Realized with the VB

  18. 随着局域网在现代住宅中的普及,利用现有的网络使嵌入式Web服务器在住宅中使用成为可能。

    With Ethernet popularization in modern building , it is a possibility that the Embed Web Server is used in building by the network .

  19. 用ChatAnywhere工具架构局域网内的聊天室

    Use Chat Room in Area Net that Chat Anywhere Tool Configurings the Bureau

  20. 该软件可用于通过局域网或广域网互连的PC和SUN工作站环境中。

    This implementation will be used in the environment of PC and SUN-Like workstations connected via LAN or WAN .

  21. 利用Winsock编程捕获局域网上所有IP包

    Capturing all IP packets in LAN through programing with winsock

  22. 基于Web的考试系统不仅适合局域网教学,也适合Internet远程教学。

    Because of being based on web , this examination system can be used for not only LAN education , but also Internet remote teaching .

  23. 远程客户登录WINDOWSnt局域网

    Remote Client Logging-in Windows NT Local Network

  24. 微机局域网环境下建材企业MIS的设计

    The Design of MIS for a Building Company under the Circumstance of Computer LAN

  25. 网格并行任务在集群中运行会遇到局域网的问题,即在集群的计算节点只有局域网IP地址时,网格并行任务就不能顺利地运行。

    As all nodes in a cluster have only local IP addresses , a parallel task cannot be executed smoothly .

  26. ATM局域网技术分析

    The Analysis of the ATM Based LAN Technology

  27. 无线局域网中的预约CDMA接入技术

    Reserved CDMA Access Technology for Wireless LAN

  28. Socket在局域网通信中的应用

    LAN Communication and Its Application Based on Socket

  29. 探讨了该系统实现远程故障诊断的方案,采用Windows终端服务器实现局域网内的网络会话传输。

    The remote fault diagnosis scheme is researched . Windows terminal server is used to realize the communication and transportation in LAN .

  30. NAT技术及其在图书馆局域网中的应用

    NAT Technology and the Applications of NAT in the Library LAN