
  • 网络local failure;Local destruction
  1. 这种上托力荷载会引起建筑物的局部破坏或整体失稳。本文运用垂向二维CFD程序建立数值波浪水槽,模拟了规则波作用下水平板上托力,并研究其作用规律。

    The uplift force load may cause local failure or even losing of overall stability . A numerical wave flume is established by using a vertical 2-D CFD wave model .

  2. 给出了空气夹层结构抗爆炸的破坏机理,利用非线性动力有限元程度LS-DYNA对空气夹层结构抗爆炸局部破坏进行了分析。

    Failure principle of air-interlayer structure for blast resistance is given in this paper . Local failure of air-interlayer structure for blast resistance is analysed by using LS-DYNA of nonlinear-dynamic finite element program .

  3. 钢纤维超高强活性混凝土(RPC)遮弹板接触爆炸局部破坏试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Local Failure of Steel-fiber Reactive Power Concrete ( RPC ) Shelter Plate Under Contact Explosion

  4. 文中利用LS-DYNA程序研究了坑道被覆结构在常规装药爆炸作用下的局部破坏效应。

    LS-DYNA is employed to research the local damage effect of tunnel lining subjected to conventional subsurface blast .

  5. c时,阻温关系只呈现NTC效应,NTC效应对应热活化导电机理,而PTC效应取决于体积膨胀所引起的导电网络局部破坏有关。

    The NTC effect corresponded to thermal activation conduction mechanism , while the PTC effect was related to the breakdown of conductive network caused by volume expansion .

  6. 当以局部破坏指标柱脚曲率和柱脚钢筋应力表示结构反应时,本文提出了一种得到结构立即使用(IO)和防止倒塌(CP)破坏状态时的量化指标限值的方法。

    When taking local damage index of curvature and steel stress of columns represent structural response , a method of getting the immediate occupation ( 10 ) and collapse prevention ( CP ) are proposed . 4 .

  7. 试验表明,抗弯加固梁可能在GFRP片材端部保护层混凝土发生局部破坏,这种破坏是由GFRP片材端都应力集中引起的。

    Experiments have indicated local failure of the concrete layer between the GFRP sheet and longitudinal reinforcement in retrofitted beams . This mode of failure is caused by local stress concentration at the sheet end .

  8. 将两端为固定端的CFRP约束柱模型假设为一单自由度体系,应用集成的远程协同试验系统进行了弹性、塑性局部破坏以及局部破坏后这三个阶段的局域网协同拟动力试验。

    Using the integrated testing system , the pseudo-dynamic testing is carried out about a column model restrained by CFRP at the stage of elastic behavior , plastic partial damage and post partial damage through assuming the column model fixed at both sides as a single DOF system .

  9. 断层错动50cm对坝体包括坝壳和土质心墙本身不构成威胁,但将导致断层附近的混凝土防渗墙局部破坏。

    If the dislocation is limited with 50 cm , it will not induce the failure of the dam itself , but will result in the local damage of the concrete cut-off wall nearby the fault .

  10. 爆炸荷载作用下,公路梁桥以局部破坏形式为主。

    The main failure forms of high-way bridges are local damaged .

  11. 弹丸冲击下钢筋混凝土板的局部破坏形态分析

    Local damage shape analysis on reinforced concrete slab under projectile impacting

  12. 开大洞转换结构的局部破坏分析

    Local Failure Analysis of Transfer Girder with Large Web Openings

  13. 钢筋混凝土板在低速冲击下的局部破坏

    Local Deformation of Reinforced Concrete Slabs to Low Velocity Impact

  14. 舰船结构在爆炸冲击载荷作用下的局部破坏研究

    Local Destroy Study of Ship Structure under the Loading of Blast and Impact

  15. 爆炸荷载下粘钢加固混凝土结构局部破坏机理

    Analysis of Local Failure Mechanism of Composite Steel Plate-RC Structure Under Explosive Load

  16. 光电化学方法研究不锈钢钝化膜的局部破坏

    Study on localized breakdown of passive films on stainless steels by photoelectrochemical method

  17. 爆炸作用下坑道被覆结构局部破坏效应数值分析

    Numerical Simulation of Tunnel Lining 's Local Damage Effect Subjected to Subsurface Blast

  18. 钢纤维钢筋混凝土板爆炸局部破坏效应

    Local damage effects of steel fiber reinforced concrete plates subjected to contact explosion

  19. 神经毡局部破坏;

    Neuropil was partially damaged and major dense lines of myelin sheath were separated ;

  20. 本文主要研究了舰船结构在接触爆炸作用下的局部破坏。

    The damage of warship under contact explosion is studied chiefly in this article .

  21. 加筋土高挡墙局部破坏原因及修复方案探讨

    On causes of local damage of high reinforced earth retaining walls and their restoration schemes

  22. 充液金属圆柱壳受弹体冲击的整体变形与局部破坏分析

    The global deformation and local damage analysis of filled metallic cylindrical shells impacted by missiles

  23. 在桥梁运营时,由于各种原因,会造成桥梁损伤和局部破坏。

    During the serving time , bridges injury and partial damage were caused by many reasons .

  24. 我国某水电站观察到较明显的水力振动现象及局部破坏事故。

    Evident Hydraulic vibration and related local destruction were observed in a hydropower plant in South China .

  25. 长江口二期工程北导堤局部破坏的原因及对策

    The Reasons & Countermeasures for North Bank 's Part Failure in the Second Phase Regulation Project of Yangtze Estuary

  26. 骨组织局部破坏并伴有钙化,没有骨膜反应性新生骨。

    There is an area of bone destruction accompanied by partial calcification , with no periosteal reactive new bone .

  27. 然而在爆炸荷载作用下,结构构件大多因高阶响应而发生局部破坏,且可能发生弯剪破坏。

    In actual situations , structural components might deform in high order modes and be damaged locally under blast load .

  28. 建筑结构的局部破坏可能引起建筑物的连续性倒塌,造成严重破坏并且会带来巨大的生命财产损失。

    The part of damage can cause continuous collapse to building structures as well as heavy loss of lives and property .

  29. 渐进性破坏随机法能很好反映边坡体内局部破坏的产生、扩展及对边坡整体可靠性的影响。

    Random methods of gradual failure can truly reflect the generation , extention of partial failure , and effect to entire reliability .

  30. 骨肉瘤是高度恶性的原发性骨肿瘤,进展快,局部破坏明显,预后差。

    Objective : Osteosarcoma is a highly malignant primary bone tumor , with rapid development , significantly local failure and poor prognosis .