
  • 网络residential units;dwelling unit;habitation unit;unit
  1. 居住单元室内空间的使用倾向性研究&以深圳为例

    The Study of Using Tendency on Dwelling Unit Interior Space & With the Case of Shenzhen

  2. 基本居住单元室内环境质量主观评价&以珠三角地区为例

    Subjective Evaluation on the Indoor Environmental Quality of Basic Dwelling Unit & Taking Pearl Delta District as an Example

  3. 作为一个居住单元的一套房间。

    A series of connected rooms used as a living unit .

  4. 老年公寓居住单元设计的探讨

    Contemplation on Design of Residence Unit in Apartments for the Elderly

  5. 城市居住单元绿地景观遥感环境研究

    Research on green land landscape comprehensive assessment of the city living unit

  6. 城市居住单元环境质量的高分辨率遥感评价方法研究

    Research on Technology of Environmental Quality Estimation for Urban Flat by Higher Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery

  7. 在此基础上,提出寒地城市居住单元模式的基本形态与特征。

    On this foundation , draw up the basic configuration and characteristics of the habitation union model in winter city .

  8. 该方法在多、高层板式住宅建筑设计中有较好的适用性,对同(跃)层式居住单元的空间模数协调作用尤为空出。

    This method is available to multi-storied and high-rise housing slab design , especially effective to the spatial modular coordination for apartment and duplex apartment unit .

  9. 阿拉维纳从贫民区中寻找灵感,与本地居民密切合作,建造容易扩展的小型居住单元。

    For inspiration , Mr. Aravena drew on favelas and slums , building small housing units that can be easily expanded , while working closely with local residents .

  10. 研究表明,应用双线模数网络将居住单元设计为符合模数的空间,可在室内设计与装修阶段为标准型部件的组配提供模数协调的基础;

    Studies show that apartment designed as a modular space by double lined modular grid can possibly provide modular coordination for the composition of standard elements during interior design or finishing stage .

  11. 老年公寓是社会养老设施中的一个重要的组成部分,它既可使老年人拥有独立的居住单元,保持家庭气氛,又可获得各种较好的服务与照料,受到了老年人的青睐。

    As an important component of these facilities , apartment for the aged is in their good graces , because in which they can independently enjoy the habitable space , more good service , more good care and the family atmosphere .

  12. 西安市现代社区是在社会急剧转型时期应运而生的,他带有很浓厚的时代特点:在空间上西安现代社区采用外向型模式,成为开放的城市居住单元。

    The Xi ' an modern community is reforms in the society the time to arise at the historic moment suddenly , it has the very strong time characteristic : The Xi ' an modern community uses the export-oriented pattern in the space , becomes the opening city residential unit .

  13. 居住区单元景观质量的分析方法

    Quatitative Analysis Method of Residence Unit Landscape Based on Digital Community

  14. 夏热冬冷地区居住建筑单元西山墙遮阳隔热设计

    Sunshading and heat-insulating design of west walls for residential buildings in regions of hot in summer and cold in winter

  15. 电视曾报道过这样的事情,某市居住区单元式居民楼里,一居民不慎将钥匙锁人家中,准备橇门而人。对门邻居以为是小偷而报警。

    Television once report a so affair , inside unit-type residents building of one city live area , one resident locked his key in home carelessly , he prepare breaking the door , but the opposite-door neighbor think he to be a burglar and report to the police .

  16. 第四部分,阐述现代住宅设计对传统居住建筑邻里单元借鉴的具体方法&庭院立体化,希望能为今后的城市住宅设计提供参考。

    Fourthly , I expand the concrete means to use the experience of traditional neighborhood unit for reference & three-dimensional courtyard .

  17. 发展住宅理论应重视使用后评价研究&土耳其伊斯坦布尔某居住区居住单元空间使用满意度评价分析

    The importance of Post-Occupancy Evaluation ( POE ) for developing housing design theory & With the analysis of a case study of resident 's satisfaction on dwelling units of housing region in Istanbul , Turkey

  18. 这儿大多数的人都居住在公共的单元房里。

    Most people here live in public housing units .

  19. 建筑设计研究包括大学生对社会化居住空间环境的需求、建筑设计标准和类型、居住空间单元设计、配套服务空间的设置以及建筑外观的设计;

    The architectural designing involves demands of students , the building standard and types , designing of residential unit space , setting of related service space and designing of architectural view ;

  20. 社会与经济的变革为城市居住的发展带来了新的动力和机遇,建设适应寒地城市特殊性的居住单元是构建和谐社会的重要内容。

    The changes of the society and economy bring the new power and opportunities for the development of the urban habitation .