
  1. 山东大学图书馆现刊管理系统

    Introduction of the " Periodical Management System " Software of Shandong University Library

  2. 最后,作者基于上述研究,分析山东大学图书馆网站设计存在的问题,并提出改进建议。

    Finally , based on the above research and analysis , this article put forward suggestions to improve website design .

  3. 谈山东农业大学图书馆电子阅览室的建设

    Talking about the Construction of E-reading-room in the Library of Shandong Agricultural University

  4. 谈合并院校图书馆的文献资源整合&以山东农业大学图书馆为例

    Integration of library literature resources of combined universities & Take Shandong Agriculture University Library as an example

  5. 高校图书馆图书附盘的管理及有效利用方法探究浅谈高等农业院校图书馆随书附盘文献的分编管理模式&以山东农业大学图书馆为例

    Research on the Management Model of Classifying and Cataloguing of CD Attached with Books in the Libraries of Agricultural Universities & Taking the Library of Shandong Agricultural University as the example

  6. 以山东农业大学图书馆为例,就高校图书馆在迎接教育部本科教学工作水平评估过程中有关馆藏文献资源达标建设中的问题,进行了较为详细的论述,并提出了具体实施方案。

    This paper discussed the problems of conforming the criteria of collection literature resource development in the teaching level assessment of colleges and universities sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the P.R China in detail and proposed concrete plans .

  7. 介绍了山东农业大学图书馆在网络环境下,改革传统编目管理模式,重组适应当前形势发展的新的业务流程、实行一条龙作业的实践,着重指出了其优势与可行性。

    The paper has introduced the reform of traditional cataloging method under network environment in the Library of he Shandong Agricultural University , by new cataloging process , or called the coordinated cataloging process was proposed , and emphasized its feasibility and advantages .

  8. 简要介绍了山东农业大学图书馆新建电子阅览室的设计规划方案和具体的实施步骤,系统地描述了在电子阅览室的建设与管理中遇到的一些技术细节问题和具体的解决办法。

    This paper briefly introduces the designing and planning scheme and concrete practice procedures of the construction of e-reading-room in the library of Shandong Agricultural University , and describes systematically some technical details and concrete solving methods of the construction and management of e reading room .

  9. 根据山东农业大学新校区图书馆的工作特点和新校工作实践,总结了我校阅览室工作中新的管理经验。

    According to the characteristic and practice of working in the library of new campus , new management experience on its reading room was summed up .