
shān zi
  • rockery; artificial stone mountain
山子 [shān zǐ]
  • [rockery;artificial hill] 〈方〉∶假山

  • 一个大院落,堆满了太湖石的山子

  1. 关于寒山子,世人既不知其来历,也不知其姓氏,见过他的人都说是个“疯狂之士”。

    About cold rockery , common people know origin their neither , know whether surname their , people to meet him say it is " crazy person " .

  2. 长城系团山子组火山岩颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义

    Grain zircon U-Pb ages for volcanic rocks from TUANSHANZI formation of Changcheng System and Their Geological Implications

  3. 撰山子金矿矿床地质特征及找矿方向

    Geological Characteristics of Zhuan-Shan-Zi Gold Deposit and its ore prospecting orientation

  4. 行云飘逸,山子弯曲自然,鹤的雕刻更是惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生!

    Clouds elegant mountain-bending nature of the crane sculpture is realistic and lifelike !

  5. 块度大,玉料厚实,琢制山子件,观赏效果佳。

    Fragmentation , Liu Yu-thick cut pieces of the system-Hill , excellent ornamental effect .

  6. 撰山子金矿床数学模型研究与成矿预测

    Study on the mathematic model of Zhuan Shan Zi Gold Deposit and its metallogenetic prognosis

  7. 蓟县地区团山子组风暴沉积

    Storm deposits in TUANSHANZI formation Jixian area

  8. 大山子艺术节上的一景,大山子艺术创意区,更为外界所知的是他的另一个名字&798。

    Dashanzi International Art Festival at Dashanzi Art District in Beijing , mostly known as the name of798 .

  9. 胶东乳山金矿双山子矿区黄铁绢英岩中的粗粒黄铁矿发育规则环带结构。

    The beresite from the Shuangshanzi gold mine contains a number of coarse-grained pyrite crystals with regular zonal structure .

  10. 人工神经网络方法及其在遥感地质找矿中的应用&以滇西红山子区为例

    Discrimination of Artificial Neural Network and Its Application to Remote Sensing for Mineral Exploration : Case Study of Hongshan Area in Western Yunnan

  11. 区内成矿流体系统可分为紫金山子系统与公郎弧子系统。

    The ore-forming fluid system in Weishan-Yongping ore concentration area can be divided into two subsystems , namely , Zijinshan subsystem and Gonglang arc subsystem .

  12. 由于大山子艺术区日益商业化,他把自己的画室搬走了,而只在这里保存了一间办公室和酒吧。

    The increasing commercialization of the Dashanzi area has led him to move his studio elsewhere , while keeping an office and his cafe here .

  13. 随着北京城市化进程的扩张,原属城郊的大山子地区已经成为城区的一部分。

    Thanks to the expanding urbanization process ofbeijing , the Dashanzi area , which used to be onbeijing 's outskirts , has become a part of the city .

  14. 看着泥团在雕塑家手下成了栩栩如生的形象真令人惊叹。行云飘逸,山子弯曲自然,鹤的雕刻更是惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生!

    It was amazing to watch the lump of clay take life beneath the sculptor 's hands . Clouds elegant mountain-bending nature of the crane sculpture is realistic and lifelike !

  15. 根据离散事件仿真理论,结合矿山地下运输系统模拟模型,以单轨、双轨运输模型单元构建各矿山子运输系统模型。

    According to the simulation theory of discrete events and mine underground transport system simulation model , setting up mine sub-transport system model with monorail and double transport model cell .

  16. 玉西银矿床为东天山地区唯一一处独立银矿床,位于中天山老地块,阿拉塔格-尖山子大断裂北侧,区内地质构造复杂,岩浆岩发育,非常有利于银矿富集。

    The Yuxi silver deposit in Hami , Xinjiang is the only independent type in east Tianshan area , which is located in the old land of middle Tianshan and the north of ALATAGE-JIANSHANZI fault .

  17. 为此,从团山子泵站的现状出发,分析了该站目前存在的问题,提出相应的节能技术改造措施,并对改造后的经济效益做出评估。

    This text set out from Tuanshanzi pump station current situation , through analysing problem that have at present , put forward the corresponding energy-conserving technological transformation measure , and make the assessment to the economic benefits after transforming .

  18. 团山子组旋回层序特征表明,这套时限大致为1700~1650Ma的前寒武系,也存在类似于显生宙温室效应地史时期普遍发育的、与米兰柯维奇旋回有关的旋回性沉积记录。

    The cyclic records of Tuanshanzi Formation ( the time-span is from 1700 Ma to 1650 Ma ) of middle Proterozoic show that there are similar cyclic sedimentary records developed in Precambrian strata similar to those developed in " green-house period " of Phanerozoic .