
shān yánɡ hú zi
  • goatee
山羊胡子 [shān yáng hú zǐ]
  • (1) [goatee]∶男子下巴上一小撮整齐的尖形或簇状的胡须

  • (2) [charley]∶一种短而尖的胡子

  1. 小薇:带头的留个山羊胡子还戴顶黑色渔夫帽。

    Wei : The leader had a goatee and wore a black beanie .

  2. 鲍勃捋着山羊胡子,对我的困惑大声笑了起来。

    Bob , stroking his goatee , laughed out loud at my confusion .

  3. 你不觉得山羊胡子更酷一点吗?

    Could you give me something cool like a goatee ?

  4. 我的女婿高高的瘦瘦的个子,头发粗短成刺状,留小山羊胡子。

    My son-in-law was the tall , lanky one with spiked hair and a small goatee .

  5. 地理教授阿瑟。科赞斯蓄着白色的山羊胡子,有一种古怪的专业风度。

    Arthur Cozzens , the geography professor , had a white goatee and a quaint professional manner .

  6. 上了假牌照的车子正停在家门口,我也要去粘上我的山羊胡子了。

    The car with false license plates is at the door and I 've got to glue on my goatee .

  7. 这位瑞士外交官精神抖擞地走进门来,他是个正派人,小个子,愁眉苦脸的,长着一簇红色的山羊胡子。

    The Swiss diplomat entered briskly , a decent , sad little man , with a red tuft of Chin beard .

  8. 留着山羊胡子,古灵精怪的他总是一支接一支地吸烟,喜欢在博洛尼亚的酒馆喝便宜的葡萄酒,和学生们说笑直到深夜。

    Impish , bearded and a chain-smoker , he enjoyed bantering over cheap wine with his students late into the night at taverns in Bologna .

  9. 你有否觉得,那个长着山羊胡子的家伙遛着他那只皱皮疙瘩的苏格兰梗,或者那个长腿的金色长发美女跟她的阿富汗猎犬一起慢跑的时候,他们简直就是一对?

    Ever wonder if that whiskery fellow walking his jowly Scottish terrier or that leggy , long-haired blonde jogging with her Afghan hound were just flukes ?

  10. 一个是皮埃尔不认识的胖胖的承包商①,另一个是商人的首领,面容消瘦,焦黄,留一撮山羊胡子。

    One of them Pierre knew , a stout contractor ; the other was the mayor , with a thin , yellow face and narrow beard .

  11. 他留着山羊胡子的脸深藏在运动衫的兜帽中,他说,“音乐是一种释放。它让我享受当下,让我的脑子远离外面那个疯狂的世界。”

    Music , he said , is " a release . It keeps me in the moment . It takes my mind off this crazy world . "

  12. 让我不安的是,我的选择与我女儿的并不一致。我的女婿高高的瘦瘦的个子,头发粗短成刺状,留小山羊胡子。

    To my dismay , my choice didn 't correspond with my daughter ' s.My son-In-law was the tall , lanky one with spiked hair and a small goatee .

  13. 与此同时在过去的一段时间里,西部大概有五六支球队一直为西部第一的宝座激励的争夺着,也总有一件事情比古登的山羊胡子更值得我去关注。

    While at least five or six teams were battling for the top spot in the Western Conference , one thing caught my attention quicker than Drew Gooden 's goatee located on the back of his head .

  14. 不过,里奥也打趣地说,纳斯里应该去管管松的发型和他的山羊胡子,所以这法国人在英格兰队长眼中依然远未能算完美。

    Mind , Rio also quipped in his tweet that Nasri should get Alex Song to sort out his dyed hair and goatee so the Frenchman is still short of perfection in the England skipper 's eyes .

  15. 一个人因为山羊的胡子落在了“时髦”区特威尔而乐不可支。

    One person was amused the goat 's beard was in a " hipster " suburb , Leederville .

  16. 看,所有的山羊都有胡子。

    Look , all goats have beards .