- 网络karstification

The Engineering Geological Characteristics of the Karst Surrounding Rock Tunnel
Discussion on mining limestone ore covered with karst
For strong karst area on the curtain line , through blocking karst caves , " changing karst body into fissure body " can be realized .
The inhomogeneity of the lithology and the difference of the rock dissolubility result in the complex hydrogeologic condition and the great influence upon the dam foundation rock mass quality .
In the south of our country limestone ore covered with karst can be often seen when developing cement industry . Owing to lack experience of exploration and production , some plants have taken roundabout ways in course of construction .
Based on nomorous geologic works , a new concept on non-carst rockmass exist in carst rockmass area without piping leakage has been developed .
Its characteristics are : ( 1 ) Distributing in the region of Carbonate rock , where karst intensively develops and loss of water and soil erosion happens acutely ;