
  • 网络kobresia
  1. 嵩草属植物具有两个显著的繁殖特点:发达的地下根茎营养繁殖系统和兼性的次级有性恢复系统。

    There are two distinct reproductive characters in Kobresia : Main vegetative reproduction system through the rhizomes and secondary facultative system through restoring sexual reproduction .

  2. 四种嵩草属植物叶片酯酶和过氧化物酶同工酶分析水稻叶片气孔的研究Ⅰ、气孔密度与长度

    Isozyme Analysis of Esterase and Peroxidase in Leaves of Four Kobresia Species STUDIES OF STOMATA ON THE RICE PLANT LEAF BLADE ⅰ . Density and Length of Stomata

  3. 四种嵩草属植物叶片的上、下表皮均有较厚角质膜。

    There were relatively thicker cuticular membranes on the upper and the lower epidermises .