
  • 网络Sichuan liquor
  1. 川酒注重窖泥培养,北方则常用纯种培养;

    Sichuan liquor is paid attention to the culture of pit mud , north liquor is often used the starter of pure culture .

  2. 川酒以“六朵金花”为首,凭借强大的品牌号召力和优异质量,多年来一直雄霸市场;

    Sichuan liquor always plays a dominant role in the market based on its overwhelming brand advantages and quality liquor products (" Six Liquor Products " as typical representatives ) .

  3. 浅谈川酒中两种不同典型风格的特点

    Discussion on Different Properties of Two Typical Types of Sichuan Liquors

  4. 川酒历史悠久,是中国浓香型白酒的发源地。

    Sichuan has a long liquor-making history .

  5. 论川酒的特色

    Discussion on the Characteristics of Sichuan Liquors

  6. 四川理工学院与川酒企业构建的紧密互动平台,是酿酒重点实验室得天独厚的软件支撑;

    Meanwhile , the construction of close interaction platform by Sichuan Technique Institute and liquor-making enterprises in Sichuan also provides strong software support for the lab.

  7. 当四川白酒存在危机和问题时,特邀请了全国著名的权威、专家、企业负责人等,为川酒会诊,共同为四川白酒的发展出谋划策。

    In face of the crisis and problems in liquor-making industry in Sichuan province , some national famous authorities , experts and enterprise managers were gathered together to find solutions .