
cháo xué; cháo xuè
  • nest;lair;den;hole;hideout
巢穴 [cháo xué]
  • (1) [nest]∶虫鸟兽类栖身之处

  • (2) [den;lair;hideout]∶比喻盗匪等盘踞的地方

  • 海盗们沉了一条船,切断通向他们巢穴的去路

巢穴[cháo xué; cháo xuè]
  1. n.野兽的巢穴猎人们循着老虎的足迹前进,最后他们在它的巢穴中找到了它。

    lair The hunters traced the footmarks of a tiger and at last they found him in his lair .

  2. 还有一条矿坑通向Hwadrin的巢穴,但需要消灭左右两边的怪物获取两片钥匙碎片才能进入。

    A pit leads to Hwadrin 's lair , but requires a2-part key obtained by completing each side of Sk û mfil .

  3. 两只小鸟一出壳就离开了巢穴。

    As soon as the two chicks hatch , they leave the nest burrow

  4. 那只虎退回巢穴。

    The tiger retired to its den .

  5. 首先,他们在孵化期收集了昆士兰67个巢穴的声音数据。

    First they collected sound data from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland before and after hatching .

  6. 如果我能找到巢穴,我也许能把它放回去,但运气不好。

    If I could locate the nest , I might have been able to put it back , but no luck .

  7. 眼魔经常用它们的解离射线雕刻自己的地底巢穴

    Beholders usually carve out underground lairs for themselves using their disintegrate rays .

  8. 所有的小生灵都躲在巢穴里冬眠

    All animals are smothered in their lairs .

  9. 为了评估室内生活方式的影响,科学家们观察了另一种会为睡眠搭窝的哺乳动物—黑猩猩—他们从坦桑尼亚伊萨谷的黑猩猩巢穴中采集了样本。

    To assess the impact of this indoor lifestyle , scientists looked at another mammal which builds structures for sleeping in – the chimpanzee – collecting samples from nests in the Issa Valley in Tanzania .

  10. 蜘蛛卖者NiChanmom指责农民们毁坏了蜘蛛的巢穴。

    Spider seller Ni Chanmom blames farmers for destroying the spider 's nests :

  11. 严格控制学生活动的时空,为学生精心设计理想化的成长轨迹和氛围,为学生全身心地营造含有无微不至爱护的巢穴&德育操作的C型模式;

    The mode of close-type moral education is to control the time and space of students ' activities strictly so as to design ideal growing course and atmosphere for them take the greatest care of them .

  12. 在反射相位特性方面,同样建立了分析有限周期EBG结构的模型,用不同面片大小的EBG结构级联构成巢穴型EBG结构,通过两种面片的混合,可以在两个频带获得同相反射特性。

    In the aspect of reflection property , the model to analyze finite periodic EBG is also founded . The nest-like EBG structure are presented using different patch size cascaded , which can obtain in-phase reflection phase in two frequency-bands simultaneously .

  13. 但巢穴里满是糖果石好吗?

    But the nest was filled with sweet rocks , okay .

  14. (用于鸟)在孵化后很快离开巢穴的。

    ( of birds ) leaving the nest shortly after hatching .

  15. 寄生在大黄蜂巢穴中的一种蜜蜂。

    A bee that is parasitic in the nests of bumblebees .

  16. 他的巢穴有没有防卫?拥有枪械吗?

    Has he fortified his position ? Has he acquired firearms ?

  17. 盖亚:在命运女神巢穴的隐秘深处。

    Gaia : hidden deep within the spire lie the sisters .

  18. 孩子们爬进狮子的巢穴中学狮叫;

    Children climb into lion 's den and roar like lions ;

  19. 谁会跟着我来这个阴暗的巢穴?

    What could possibly be following me in this shadowy lair ?

  20. 在这样的一个巢穴里居住的蚂蚁竟然多达800万只!

    A nest like this would contain over eight million leafcutter ants !

  21. 我看到每个巢穴都有破碎的蛋壳。

    Every egg clutch I 've seen has crushed , trampled shells .

  22. 吞没;卷入我的黑雾很快就会吞没下一个恶魔的巢穴。

    My black mist will soon engulf another devils fortress .

  23. 他发现自己在可怕的流氓的巢穴中。

    He finds himself in a den of frightful ruffians .

  24. 蚂蚁采集到植物后便回到基地巢穴。

    Then they cut sections of vegetation and head back to base .

  25. 别致的巢穴是可靠伴侣的象征

    An impressive property demonstrates your worth as a mate .

  26. 当产卵时间接近,两只鱼都待在巢穴附近。

    Both fish stay close to the nest as spawning draws near .

  27. 你不准备采取措施走入狮子巢穴吗?

    Won 't you take a step into the lion 's den .

  28. 它回来了却发现巢穴空空如也

    She returns to find that her nest is empty .

  29. 雄性红鱼负责建造巢穴。

    It 's the male garibaldi who makes the nest .

  30. 一只负鼠,用那双尖锐的眼睛,凝视着它的巢穴。

    A possum , eyes shiny-bright , peered out of its nest .