
  • 网络Workplace safety regulation
  1. 本文认为,从博弈角度去分析工作场所安全规制中各利益主体之间的关系,更有利于解释并解决工作场所安全问题。

    From the angle of this paper , the game analysis of workplace safety regulation in the relationship between various interest subjects , is more advantageous to explain and dispose workplace safety problems .

  2. 伴随着社会经济、生产技术和人口结构的发展变化,工作场所安全规制理论框架及体系日趋成熟和完善,其研究方式不断增加,研究内容更加丰富。

    With social and economic production technology and population structure of the development and changes of workplace safety regulation theory frame and mature and perfect the system of the research methods and research content increased and more abundant .