
  • 网络Stroke;Working Stroke
  1. 弹簧缓冲器工作行程

    Working stroke of spring buffer

  2. 刮铲安装在刮铲架上,宽度6米,工作行程14米,其正向行走为整平基床的工作行程,反向为空行程。

    The scraping shovel is fitted on the scraping bracket , breadth : 6m , working stroke : 14m . Its forward traveling is the working stroke to flatten ground while the reversal traveling is the idle stroke .

  3. 曲柄摇杆机构是包装机械中应用甚广的机构,在按已知行程速比系数K和摇杆摆角ψ设计时,其最佳的受力条件应使最小工作行程传动角为最大。

    Rank-rocker mechanism is wide used in packaging machine , the best forced condition is the minimum transmission angle being largest when designing according speed ration K and swing angle of rocker ψ .

  4. 本文分析了具有急回运动的曲柄滑块机构工作行程的最佳传力条件,同时给出了优化工作行程与空回行程最小传动角γwmin和γmin的参数、设计公式和图表。

    The optimun transmission force conditions of planar slide crank mechanism with the quick return motion are analysed over working stroke in this paper , and the parameters , formulas and charts of optimizing minimum transmission angle over working stroke and return stroke are also given .

  5. 实验研究表明:系统的动态和稳态性能良好,该定位机构的最大工作行程100mm,稳定时间小于40ms,重复定位精度10nm。

    The experimental results show that the travel range is 100 mm , the settling time is less than 40 ms and the repeatability error is 10 nm .

  6. 选用了工作行程为6mm和分辨率为50nm的位移促动器,并引入杠杆机构提高位移分辨率和抑制误差;

    Three displacement actuators with 6 mm working travel and 50 nm motion resolution are adopted with three sets of lever mechanism introduced to increase the resolution of displacement and to abate error in the system .

  7. 通过对曲柄滑块机构的运动分析,得出了最小工作行程传动角γgmin的求法。

    The paper presents the algorithm for the minimal work flow transmission angle γ gmin by the means of the motional analysis of crank sliding block mechanism .

  8. 这种方式提供了一种新的基于本机工作行程这上的安全级别。

    This approach provides a new level of security over local processes .

  9. 这是一种具有极高的分辨率(几个纳米),长工作行程(几十厘米)的微驱动器。

    It is a micro actuator with high resolution and long stroke .

  10. 摆辗机滑块工作行程速度方程式

    Equation for working stroke and speed of rotary forging machine

  11. 可根据你的个人需求制定工作行程表。

    Setting a schedule based on your own personal needs .

  12. 曲柄滑块机构按工作行程传动角的优化设计

    The Optimization Design of Crank Silding Block Mechanism at Work Flow Transmission Angle

  13. 确定抓具最大开度和工作行程的新方法

    A new method of determining maximum span of graples apparatus and its maximum working stroke

  14. 基于工作行程最佳传动性能的曲柄滑块机构的设计

    Design of Slider - crank Mechanism Based on the Optimal Transmission Performance of Work Stroke

  15. 在工作行程中胶带输送机胶带跑偏现象是常见的多发性故障,它直接影响其使用效率。

    Belt deviation is a frequently malfunction in the belt Conveyor operation , it directly affects working efficiency .

  16. 预压缩弹簧合件可以在工作行程不大的条件下提供较大的弹力;

    The pre_stressed spring component could provide with a greater elastic force when the working stroke is short .

  17. 财政部发言人表示,卢的主治医生预计卢能在下周恢复工作行程。

    The Treasury spokeswoman says his doctor expects Lew to be able to return to a full schedule the following week .

  18. 澳大利亚排在最后,尽管数据统计的不是所有行程,而只是按工作行程使用的交通工具来统计。

    Australia came in last , though that data looked at percentage of work trips that were active , not total trips .

  19. 多连杆机构滑块工作行程较长且速度平稳,能很好地实现拉延工艺要求。

    The slide of multi-linkage mechanism has a longer ram displacement and lower forming speed , can accomplish the drawing operation well .

  20. 每个加工单元的工作行程均可方便地调节,因此可以减少加工时间,提高工作效率。

    Use the machine than using the traditional bus processing equipment significantly increase production efficiency , but also improve the ease of use .

  21. 将滑块最大速度和工作行程回程比作为衡量滑块运动性能的量化指标。

    The maximum velocity of the slide and the ratio between working stroke and idle stroke are the important parameters for the slide of a press .

  22. 与同为大明星的伴侣&布拉德-皮特过生活,偶尔会遇到对方档期排的太满工作行程太密集的情况,朱莉谈到了他和皮特是如何尽力抽出时间与对方相处的。

    The35-year-old star also spoke about the way she and Brad seek out " special time " with one another if they feel their schedules have grown too overwhelming .

  23. 与同为大明星的伴侣——布拉德-皮特过生活,偶尔会遇到对方档期排的太满工作行程太密集的情况,朱莉谈到了他和皮特是如何尽力抽出时间与对方相处的。

    The 35-year-old star also spoke about the way she and Brad seek out " special time " with one another if they feel their schedules have grown too overwhelming .

  24. 同时,商务部警惕中国居民延迟到墨西哥的工作行程,如果他们要到遭受流感地国家要加强防御措施。

    Meanwhile , the Ministry of Commerce has alerted Chinese citizens to suspend work trips to Mexico and to strengthen prevention measures if they are traveling to other flu-affected countries .

  25. 所研制的新型单体液压支柱具有结构工艺简单、工作行程大、使用范围大、稳定性安全系数大、重量轻、操作安全可靠等特点。

    The new hydraulic support has some characteristics such as simple structure technique , big work-distance , large use-range , big stability safety factor , light-weight , safety-operation and so on .

  26. 本文分析了平面曲柄摇杆机构工作行程的最佳传力条件,给出了优化工作行程最小传动角γWmin的设计公式和图线。

    This paper analyses the optimun transmission force conditions of planar crank-rocker mechanisms over working stroke , and gives the design equations and diagram of optimizing mininum transmisson angle over working stroke .

  27. 章子怡在接到邀请后,特别调整工作行程前往戛纳,并在30秒的电影预告片放映后以英文发言介绍影片。

    After receiving the invitation to Zhang Ziyi , in particular the adjustment of trip to Cannes , and in the30-second trailer for the film after the screening to introduce the English speaking films .

  28. 当活塞达到工作行程后,加塞也同时完成,就要停止液压泵的工作,也就是要对液压泵的进出油量进行控制。

    When the piston reaches the working distance , the stoppers are added at the same time , then the hydraulic pressure pump must be stopped , that is to control the oil quantity .

  29. 喷水枪具有9米的工作行程、185厘米的垂直行程、使其靠近管束的横向行程以及倾斜90度的可能性。

    The water-jet lance has a working travel of9 mt. , a vertical travel of185 cm . , a cross travel that gets it closer to the bundle , and the possibility to be inclinated of90 degress .

  30. 为此提出了机构工作行程最小传动角的确定和最小机械效益的计算方法,给出了按综合传力性能指标设计曲柄摇杆机构的实际例子。

    Thus methods are proposed for determining the minimum driving angle of the mechanism power stroke and calculating the minimum mechanical efficiencies , practical examples are given for designing the crank-rocker mechanism based on integrated transmission performance index .