
  • 网络factory power supply;factory electricity supply;plant power supply
  1. 本文介绍了项目教学法及其实施的五个阶段,以及项目教学法在《工厂供电》课程教学中的应用。

    This article describes the Project-learning and its five stages , as well as application of this theory to practice in the " Plant power supply " teaching .

  2. CAD在工厂供电系统中的应用研究

    Research on CAD Appling in Factory Power Supply System

  3. 应用TurboC语言开发《工厂供电》图形演示软件

    Graphics demonstration software for factory power supply developed with Turbo C language

  4. LOGO!在《工厂供电》课程中的应用

    LOGO ! Application in the Curricula of Factory Power Supply

  5. 工厂供电区高压配电的经济性和技术性分析

    On Economy and Technique of High Pressure Distribution in Power Station

  6. 用专家系统评估工厂供电系统的可靠性

    Application of expert system to industrial power supply system reliability evaluation

  7. 《工厂供电》教学改革的实践与探索

    Practice and exploration of the teaching reform of Power Supply Of Factories

  8. 工厂供电系统中谐波的影响及其抑制和消除

    Effects of Harmonics and Their Elimination in Industrial Power Systems

  9. 平板玻璃工厂供电的安全性和可靠性

    Safety and Reliability of Power Supply in Sheet Glass Factory

  10. 小电流接地微机选线装置在工厂供电系统中的应用

    Application of Weak Neutral Current Instrument of Computer Electing Line in Power Plant

  11. 《工厂供电》习题课的教学实践与思考

    The Practice Thought of Factory Power Supply Praxis Classes

  12. 工厂供电课程实践教学改革的探索

    To explore how to reform the practical teaching in factory power supply course

  13. 保证轿车工厂供电电源质量的方法研究

    Method Development of Ensuring Power Quality in Auto Plant

  14. 工厂供电系统预算的软件设计

    Software for the budget of a plant powering system

  15. 工厂供电系统无功功率的损耗

    Loss of non-efficacy power in factory supply

  16. 《工厂供电》教学探讨

    My Teaching in Factory Power Supply

  17. 工厂供电系统的安全运行对工业企业来说至关重要,特别是对于化工企业,如何快速判断和切除故障非常关键。

    Fault detecting and breaking as well as industrial power system 's safe service is very important .

  18. 应用该专家系统,对两个工厂供电系统的可靠性进行了定量评估。

    The developed expert system is successfully used to evaluate the reliability of two industrial power supply systems .

  19. 负责工厂供电,供水,照明和空调等公用设设施的管理维护。

    Maintain and mange all factory public facilities such as electrical rout , water rout , lighting , air-conditioners etc.

  20. 而工厂供电就是指工厂所需要电能的供应和分配。

    But the factory power supply is the supply and the allotment which points the electric power that factory need .

  21. 在这里,已有10多万参观者了解了酿者之徽公司坚持使用当地的原材料生产以及回收副产品为其工厂供电的做法。

    There , more than 100,000 visitors have learned about how the company uses locally sourced ingredients and recycles the byproducts to power its plant .

  22. 简要介绍了工厂供电系统中的谐波电流及其计算方法,并在此基础上分析了电力有源滤波器的原理及谐波电流的抑制。

    Describes the harmonic current in the factory power supply system and how to calculate it , and on top of that , analyses active filtration of electric power .

  23. 本文中介绍了《工厂供电》图形演示软件的功能、结构和使用方法,并给出几个图形示例。

    This paper introduces functions and construction and method of use of the graphics demonstrates software for the factory power supply , and it also gives some simples of graphic samples .

  24. 根据市场现有的热缩附件设计了过渡接头工艺,介绍了该工艺在工厂供电生产实践中的应用情况。

    The process of transition joints according to hot shrinkage accessories now available in the market is designed . The application of the process in factory heat and power practice is introduced .

  25. 通过分析和计算实例,阐明感应电动机在工厂供电系统短路电流计算中,其影响程度取决于电动机容量的相对大小;

    By the analysis and calculation examples , this paper has expounded the influence degree of induction motor on short-circuit current to depend on relative big or small capacity of induction motor .

  26. 针对工厂供电教学中存在的问题,设计了工厂供电实验教学装置,克服了原来实践教学中缺乏感性认识的局限性,使工厂供电实践教学得以改进。

    In view of existing problems in Factory Power Supply teaching , an experimental teaching installation in Factory Power Supply is designed and limitations of lack of perceptual knowledge in practical teaching are overcome so that Factory Power Supply teaching is improved .

  27. 为此在教学中,要合理安排《工厂供电》的各个教学环节,课堂教学要注重理论联系实际,要强化课程设计的工程化训练,要结合工程实际搞好毕业设计。

    We should arrange the each teaching link of Power Supply Of Factories , pay attention to the combination of theory with practice in the classroom teaching , strengthen the engineering training of the course design and make the graduation design perfect on the basis of the engineering practice .

  28. 工厂厂区供电设计方案探讨

    Discussion on power supply program of factory district

  29. 根据庆阳石化变电站管理的缺陷和漏洞,为减少和避免出现石化工厂由于供电问题造成停产的问题,变电站管理系统需要进行改造。

    According to the defects of the management qingyang petrochemical substation and loopholes , to reduce and avoid petrochemical factory in the power supply because production problems , the substation management system needs reform .

  30. 上周二的停电造成6亿人生活不便,周三大型工厂已经恢复供电。

    Wednesday factories in businesses were up running after an more than 600 million people without electricity Tuesday afternoon .