
zuǒ qīng
  • left-leaning;progressive;Left deviation;"Left" deviation;left-leaning progressive;be inclined towards revolution;inclined towards the revolution
左倾 [zuǒ qīng]
  • (1) [Left deviation]∶分不清事物发展的不同阶段,在革命斗争中表现急躁盲动的(左字常带引号作左)

  • (2) [left-leaning progressive;be inclined towards revolution]∶政治思想进步的

左倾[zuǒ qīng]
  1. 据美国左倾智库经济政策研究所(EconomicPolicyInstitute)的数据显示,在2011年,受过大学教育、从事初级工作的23岁至29岁男性的平均时薪为21.68美元,经通胀因素调整后比2000年降低了7.6%;

    According to the Economic Policy Institute , a left-leaning think tank , entry-level , college-educated men age 23-29 earned an average $ 21.68 an hour in 2011 , an inflation-adjust drop of 7.6 % from 2000 .

  2. 按理说,这时左倾的草根网民大会(NetrootsNation)应该喜气洋洋,而共和党领袖大会(RepublicanLeadershipConference,RLC)则愁闷惊慌。

    By rights the left-leaning Netroots Nation gathering should have been jubilant , and the Republican Leadership Conference ( RLC ) doleful and panicky .

  3. 他的左倾观点受到了强烈指责。

    He 's taken a lot of flak for his left-wing views .

  4. 搞艺术的人和知识分子容易持“左倾”观点。

    Artistic and intellectual people tend towards left-wing views .

  5. 你也许看到了大学校园传来的新闻——安全空间(safespace)、触发警告(triggerwarning)——认定如今的美国出于空前激进的左倾状态。

    You could see the news from college campuses - safe spaces , trigger warnings - and conclude that America was more radically leftist than ever .

  6. 其次,她的社民党盟友正在其主席库特•贝克(KurtBeck)的引领下左倾。

    Second , her Social Democrat coalition part - ners are being steered to the left under Kurt Beck , the chairman .

  7. 美国公会(EpiscopalChurch)作为一个主要的WASP机构,随着它的神职人员把主要精力转向左倾事业,其社会威望也逐渐丧失了。

    The social cachet of the Episcopal Church , a major WASP institution , drained away as its clergy turned its major energies to leftish causes .

  8. 同时,前参议员约翰爱德华兹(johnedwards)已将“30年内消除贫困”作为其左倾竞选活动的核心,这突显出美国不平等问题的严重程度。

    Meanwhile , John Edwards , the former senator , has made " eliminating poverty within 30 years " a centrepiece of his left-leaning campaign , which stresses the problems of inequality in the US .

  9. 在左倾的自民党支持者对于自民党加入保守党领导的联合政府很生气的情况下,预言AV对英国未来大选产生的影响可能会是很危险的。

    With left-leaning Lib Dem supporters angry over their party 's decision to join a Conservative-led coalition , it would be perilous to predict how AV might affect future British elections .

  10. 两组岩石均表现为平滑的左倾LREE亏损型分布和基本相似的微量元素分布型式,但玄武岩Ⅰ的元素丰度明显要高。

    Two groups of rocks all indicate smooth LREE-depleted REE patterns and similar distributions of race elements , and the element contents of basalt I are higher .

  11. 尽管UBI一直被认为和左倾的学术界人士、女权主义者和其他进步派活动人士有关,但它最近被范围更广的思想人士所采纳,包括一些自由意志论者和保守派。

    While U.B.I. has been associated with left-leaning academics , feminists and other progressive activists , it has lately been adopted by a wider range of thinkers , including some libertarians and conservatives .

  12. 然而,在NHK的报道出来后,左倾报纸《朝日新闻》报道,宫内厅(ImperialHouseholdAgency)次长山本信一郎(ShinichiroYamamoto)否认了天皇要退位的报道,称他“没有这样的打算”。

    After the NHK report , however , the Asahi Shimbun , a left-leaning newspaper , reported that Shinichiro Yamamoto , deputy director of the Imperial Household Agency , denied the abdication report , saying that the emperor had " no such intention . "

  13. 我们用TILE中的可编程资源构建扫描链,并根据GRM中的开关方向,将测试分为水平向测试,垂直向测试,左倾测试及右倾测试。

    We use the programmable logic resource in TILE to build scan chain . Based on the direction of switch in GRM , we classify the testing into horizontal testing , vertical testing , left diagonal testing and right diagonal testing .

  14. 虽然在这个“免费哈佛、公平哈佛”运动中有一位左倾成员——倡导消费者利益的拉尔夫·纳德(RalphNader)——但是温茨和其他三位候选人撰文或在听证会中不遗余力地作证,反对平权措施,反对基于族裔的录取制度。

    Although the campaign , " Free Harvard , Fair Harvard , " includes one left-leaning member - the consumer advocate Ralph Nader - Mr. Unz and the other three candidates have written or testified extensively against affirmative action , opposing race-based admissions .

  15. 糟糕的第三季度经济数据加大了巴西立场左倾的总统迪尔玛圠广夫(DilmaRousseff)所受的压力,她正在试图实施财政紧缩措施,同时艰难应对支持率低下以及国会内部弹劾她的呼声。

    The poor third-quarter figures pile more pressure on Brazil 's left-leaning president , Dilma Rousseff , who is trying to implement fiscal austerity measures while battling low approval ratings and calls for her impeachment in Congress .

  16. 中苏大论战最大的特点是左倾教条主义。

    Pinko dogmatism is the most remarkable character of the controversy .

  17. 高炉气密箱左倾齿轮箱更换技术

    Replace Technology of Left Deviation Gear Box in BF Gas-Seal Box

  18. 就这样他犯了左倾机会主义的错误。

    Thus he committed the error of " left " opportunism .

  19. 第三部分、中苏大论战是左倾教条主义的典型。

    Part Three : The Sino-Russia controversy is representative of pinko dogmatism .

  20. 左倾报纸的编辑攻击新议会发言人。

    The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new parliament speaker .

  21. 我猜想政治上他有点左倾。

    I gather that politically he 's a bit on the left .

  22. 将你的头向左倾,看看它有多麽奇妙。

    Bend your head to the left and see how spectacular it is .

  23. 那面旗子向左倾下。

    The flag is down on the left side .

  24. 他在大多数重大问题上的立场都比共和党更左倾。

    He is to the left of his party on most big questions .

  25. 他指责该党的领导人左倾。

    He accused the Party leadership of moving leftwards .

  26. 多年来,他的政治看法都比较左倾。

    From his political piont of view , he has been pink for years .

  27. 所以罗姆尼选择抨击奥巴马执政失败,而没有指责他左倾。

    Thus Mr Romney now accuses Mr Obama of failure , rather than leftism .

  28. 助长了左倾思想的发展;

    Encouraged the Left leaning thought to grow ;

  29. 许多教育批判不仅体现和延续了新中国建国后教育指导思想上的左倾错误,而且在一定程度上强化了这样的错误。

    Many education critiques not only extended the Ultra-left wrong guiding principle but intensified it .

  30. 学生时髦的左倾思想。

    The fashionable leftism of students .