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chāi yì
  • office;corvee;runner;boy runner of bailiff in a feudal yamen
差役 [chāi yì]
  • (1) [corvée]∶旧时强迫人民承担的无偿劳动

  • (2) [bailiff in a feudal yamen]∶旧称在官府中当差的人

差役[chāi yì]
  1. 农奴主用差役和高利贷对农奴进行残酷的剥削。

    Serf-owners ruthlessly exploited serfs through corvee and usury .

  2. 那差役一肚子主意。

    The runner was full of tricks .

  3. 差役回答说,从来没有像他这样说话的。

    The officers answered , Never man spake like this man .

  4. 差役就把拉过去,用手掌打。

    And the attendants , slapping him about , took him .

  5. 差役接过他来,用手掌打他。

    And the guards took him and beat him .

  6. 他从差役升到总经理。

    He rose from errand boy to president .

  7. 差役就去搜索他们,却没有找著,便回了耶路撒冷。

    They looked for them but could not find them ; and so they returned to Jerusalem .

  8. 但差役到了,不见他们在监里,就回来禀报说

    But when the officers came , and found them not in the prison , they returned , and told

  9. 祭司长和差役看见,就喊着说,钉十字架!

    When therefore the chief priests and the attendants saw him , they cried out , saying , crucify !

  10. 又必取你们的仆人婢女,健壮的少年人和你们的驴,供他的差役。

    Your menservants and maidservants and the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use .

  11. 差役把这话回禀官长。官长听见他们是罗马人,就害怕了。

    And the serjeants told these words unto the magistrates : and they feared , when they heard that they were Romans .

  12. 在上海,在汉口,在南京,也都有了说京话的巡警与差役,吃着芝麻酱烧饼;

    Shanghai , hankou , Nanjing all employed policemen and clerks who spoke Beiping dialect , and all enjoyed sesame paste buns .

  13. 你们纳粮,也为这缘故。因他们是神的差役,常常特管这事。

    For for this cause pay ye tribute also : for they are God 's ministers , attending continually upon this very thing .

  14. 法利赛人听见众人为耶稣这样纷纷议论,祭司长和法利赛人,就打发差役去捉拿他。

    This discussion of the people came to the ears of the pharisees ; and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent servants to take him .

  15. 差役回到祭司长和法利赛人那里。他们对差役说,你们为什么没有带他来呢?

    Then the servants went back to the chief priests and pharisees , who said to them , why have you not got him with you ?

  16. 理这些带刺的铁丝,真是个苦差事。那不是什么苦差役,没准学会很有趣呢。

    Disentangling all this barbed wire is the devil 's own job . This is not a great labour . and it may prove a real interest .

  17. 5所以他的差役若也装作义的差役,并不算大事,他们的结局,必然照著他们所作的。

    5 therefore it is no great thing if also his ministers transfigure themselves into ministers of righteousness , whose end will be according to their works .

  18. 约七32法利赛人听见群众唧咕议论这些关于耶稣的事,祭司长和法利赛人就打发差役去捉拿他。

    Jn . 7:32 The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things about Him , and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent attendants to arrest Him .

  19. 于是守殿官和差役去带使徒来、并没有用强暴.因为怕百姓用石头打他们。

    Then came one and told them , saying , Behold , the men whom ye put in prison are standing in the temple , and teaching the people .

  20. 约十八3犹大领了一队兵,和祭司长并法利赛人的差役,拿著火把、笼、器,来到那里。

    Jn . 18:3 Then Judas , having gotten the cohort and some attendants from the chief priests and Pharisees , came there with torches and lamps and weapons .

  21. 另外,对州县差役的内心活动与政治行为的一致性和背叛性以及制约差役心理的客观因素进行分析。

    In addition , the paper try to discuss the consistency and betrayal of county runner in their minds and political acts and the objective factors that constraints runners ' psychology activities .

  22. 我承认这是你的旨意,我要抵挡撒但的一切作为,不使它的差役从我心中夺取上帝的旨意。

    And I recognize that this is Your will for me , and I therefore reject and resist all the endeavors of Satan and of his demons to rob me of the will of God .

  23. 就有人吐唾沫在他脸上,又蒙着他的脸,用拳头打他,对他说,你说预言吧。差役接过他来用手掌打他。

    And some put shame on him and , covering his face , gave him blows and said to him , now say what is to come : and the captains took him and gave him blows with their hands .

  24. 尤其是县政府豢养的警察、警备队、差役这班恶狗,他们怕下乡,下乡也不敢再敲诈。

    In particular the vicious curs kept by the county government the police , the armed guards and the bailiffs are afraid of going to the villages , or if they do so , they no longer dare to practise their extortions .

  25. 本文以清代州县差役作为研究对象,以他们的政治行为作为分析的框架,同时吸收政治心理学、行政管理学的理论和方法,重点探讨差役在司法行政中的积极作用;

    The thesis try to study county runners of the Qing dynasty and to analyse their political acts as a framework , while absorbing political psychology , management theory and methods , focused on the active role of runners in the administration of justice .

  26. 但是,使大家扫兴的是,刑台上的这场表演因遭到镇上差役的干涉而中断,他认为对这祭献之地妄加滥用,是侵犯了法律的尊严,是绝对不能允许的。

    But , much to the disappointment of the crowd , this latter business was broken off by the interposition of the town beadle , who had no idea of permitting the majesty of the law to be violated by such an abuse of one of its consecrated places .