
  • 网络Isthmus;the Isthmus of Panama;Panama Isthmus
  1. 巴拿马地峡将北美和南美连接起来。

    The Isthmus of Panama joins North and South America .

  2. 位于巴拿马地峡的一个共和国。

    A republic on the Isthmus of Panama .

  3. 这个陆地的狭窄地带,我们称之为巴拿马地峡。

    It was the neck of land which we call the Isthmus of Panama .

  4. 一个横贯巴拿马地峡的运河。

    A canal across the Isthmus of Panama .

  5. 位于西半球的一个大洲,通过巴拿马地峡与北美洲相连。

    A continent in the western hemisphere connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama .

  6. 1850年,美英两国就巴拿马地峡问题签定了《克莱顿&布尔沃条约》。

    Two countries between UK and USA made the Clayton & Bulwer Treaty because of the conflicts of Panama Isthmus in1850 .

  7. 1698年,苏格兰王国的贵族与大地主试图通过殖民统治巴拿马地峡把他们的国家提升为世界贸易强国。

    In 1698 the nobles and landowners of the kingdom of Scotland tried to elevate their country to a world trading nation by colonize ing the isthmus of Panama .