
  • 网络BAPTISTA;Julio Baptista
  1. 为了提高额外的资金,皇马也已经开始讨论出售巴普蒂斯塔的可能性。

    Real are also discussing the possibility of selling Julio Baptista to raise additional funds .

  2. 塞维利亚方面正在等待阿森纳对前锋巴普蒂斯塔的最新报价。

    Staying in Sevilla , the Spanish side are waiting on a new bid from Arsenal for their striker Julio Baptista .

  3. 我想巴普蒂斯塔的情况很清楚。

    I think the Baptista situation is very clear .

  4. 温格承认失去巴普蒂斯塔使他还在转会市场中寻找。

    Wenger admits Baptista 's loss has left him still searching in the transfer market .

  5. 巴普蒂斯塔赞赏巴萨的比赛风格,以及同胞罗纳尔迪尼奥的技术。

    Baptista is an admirer of Barca 's style of play and the skills of compatriot Ronaldinho .

  6. 这已经是阿森纳为了得到巴普蒂斯塔而做出的第三次报价。

    This has been Arsenal 's third attempt at securing a deal with Sevilla for Baptista 's services .

  7. 米兰准备为在美洲杯上有着杰出表现的巴普蒂斯塔支付1千万英镑。

    Milan are ready to offer & pound ; 10 million for baptista , who enjoyed an outstanding Copa america .

  8. 塞维利亚到目前为止已经拒绝了所有对于巴普蒂斯塔的出价,但是,巴西前锋仍旧可能在今年夏天被转手。

    Sevilla may have refused all offers for Julio Baptista but they could still part company with the Brazilian striker this summer .

  9. 巴普蒂斯塔不愿同塞维利亚续约,阿森纳可以继续收购这名巴西人。

    Arsenal could be prepared to renew their interest in Brazilian striker Julio Baptista as the striker seems unwilling to renew his contract with Sevilla .

  10. 同时,他在周末将会努力签入巴普蒂斯塔,巴西人在周四晚上受到了塞维利亚队球迷的袭击。

    Meanwhile , he is poised to capture Julio Baptista over the weekend after the free-scoring Brazilian was attacked by his own fans on Thursday night .

  11. 在西班牙被称为野兽的巴普蒂斯塔同时承认塞维利亚上个赛季没有获得欧冠的入场券是对他热情的打击。

    Baptista , nicknamed'the beast'in Spain , also admits that Sevilla 's failure to clinch a Champions League place last season was a blow to his aspirations .

  12. 巴普蒂斯塔表示非常高兴能和英超俱乐部联在一起,并且重申将离开塞维利亚。

    ARSENAL target Julio Baptista last night insisted he was flattered to be linked with a move to the Premiership and admitted he wants to quit Seville .

  13. 寻求从事志愿工作的帮助人士和支持我们预算的财政是个老大难问题,”巴普蒂斯塔说道。

    Having the providers who are willing to volunteer at the free clinic and having the financial means to support our budget are a huge concern , " said Baptista .

  14. 巴普蒂斯塔本人再三表达了他想要去英超的愿望,并且希望塞维利亚能和自己的追求者之一达成协议,但到目前为止西班牙俱乐部都拒绝作出回应。

    Baptista reiterated his desire to move to The Premiership and is hoping that Sevilla can strike a deal with one of his suitors , but so far the Spaniards have refused to play ball .

  15. 尤里奥的经纪人胡安费戈尔表示,邓恩到西班牙的探访主要是冲巴普蒂斯塔来的,枪手已经表示了对这位前圣保罗球员的兴趣。

    The striker 's agent , Juan Figger , confirmed that The Gunners have expressed their interest in the former Sao Paulo player , with Dein thought to have it the main priority of his Spanish visit .