
shì chǎnɡ fèn é
  • market share
  1. 今年福特公司的市场份额一直在扩大,导致通用汽车公司市场份额减少。

    Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of GM.

  2. 50%的市场份额是可以实现的。

    A 50 % market share is achievable

  3. 我们应该努力争取更大的市场份额。

    We should aim for a bigger share of the market .

  4. 这家公司已争取到九成的市场份额。

    The company has captured 90 % of the market .

  5. 他们将其所占的市场份额增加了10%。

    They have increased their share of the market by 10 % .

  6. 明年我们希望获得更大的市场份额。

    Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market .

  7. 我们公司处境有利,足以获得巨大的市场份额。

    Our firm is well placed to grab a large slice of the market .

  8. 两大公司控制了72%的市场份额。

    The two big companies control 72 % of the market .

  9. 在努力争取更大的市场份额的过程中,这些商场最终将不可避免地相互展开竞争。

    The stores will inevitably end up competing with each other in their push for increased market shares

  10. 银行的地方市场份额通常会在当地分行和其他各地分行之间平均分配。

    A bank 's local market share tends to be divided equally between the local branch and branches located elsewhere

  11. 伯杰,罗森和德尔(2001)研讨了向中小型企业之间的假贷和银行贷款的本地市场份额的关系。

    Berger , rosen , and udell ( 2001 ) studied the relationship between lending to SMEs and banks'share of the local loan market .

  12. 年中,随着苹果公司的iPhone的推出,诺基亚的市场份额急剧下降,收入大幅下滑。

    With the introduction of Apple 's iPhone in the middle of that year , Nokia 's market share shrank rapidly and revenue plunged .

  13. 欧洲最大的技术成功案例之一、手机巨头诺基亚也未能幸免,短短几年就失去了市场份额。

    Mobile phone champion Nokia , one of Europe 's biggest technology success stories , was no exception , losing its market share in just a few years .

  14. 但是现在这些产品的增长曲线已经减缓一或者在某些情况下市场份额已经缩水因为消费者没有那么想要花钱买一些新的玩意儿了。

    But now these segments are looking at slower growth curves -- or shrinking markets in some cases -- as consumers are not as eager to spend money on new gadgets .

  15. 在2002年的巅峰期,IE占据了95%的浏览器市场份额。

    At its 2002 peak , Internet Explorer commanded 95 % of the browser market .

  16. 跟风产品(me-tooproduct)是一个公司生产的跟竞争者产品类似的产品,目的是阻止竞争者把市场份额最大化。

    Me-too product is a product created by a company that is similar to a competitor 's product in order to prevent that competitor from maximizing its market share . For example :

  17. 结果表明,我们的市场份额稳步提高。

    The results show we have steadily improved our market share .

  18. 谷歌浏览器是浏览器中的领头羊,占据了69%的市场份额。

    Google 's Chrome is the browser leader , commanding a 69 % share of the market .

  19. 如今,新科技公司之间的竞争不得不比过去更加残酷,这是因为有太多的公司在开发同类产品,而且他们都想得到属于自己的市场份额。

    New technology firms have to be more cutthroat than in the past because there are so many companies making similar products , and they all want their share of the market .

  20. 荧光粉作为白光LED的一个重要组成部分,也占据了很大的市场份额。

    As the most important part , phosphor takes a huge market share .

  21. 在此期间,Coach的市场份额从35%下滑至24%。

    Over that period , Coach 's share has fallen to 24 % from 35 % .

  22. 联想与摩托罗拉的合计市场份额目前在智能手机市场排名第三,仅次于苹果(Apple)和三星。

    The combined market share of Lenovo and Motorola today puts it in third place in the smartphone market , behind Apple and Samsung .

  23. 目前,占据主要市场份额的非易失性存储器是电容电荷型的FLASH存储器。

    Recently , the Flash memory of capacitor charge type is occupying the major market share in Non-Volatile Memory ( NVM ) .

  24. 苹果iPad以68.2%的市场份额在这一领域遥遥领先。

    Apple 's iPad still had an overwhelming lead , with 68.2 % of the market .

  25. 力争在五年内成为以PLC技术为核心技术平台的最好的自动化产品供应商,市场份额达到15%。

    It will work hard for becoming the best automation product supplier which has the core technique within five years . The market quota is attaching 15 % .

  26. 中国西部水泥有限公司(WestChinaCementLtd.)&Glaucus在2012年8月份发布的报告中称该公司高报了市场份额和定价,同时还向出现亏损的工厂多付款项。

    West China Cement Ltd. & In an August 2012 report , Glaucus accused the Chinese cement maker of inflating its market share and pricing , and overpaying for factories which were loss-making .

  27. 谷歌在搜索等领域仍在与别人竞争,但是随着时间的推移,谷歌在与微软(Microsoft)和雅虎(Yahoo)的竞争中获得了越来越大的市场份额。

    Google still competes with people in search and so forth , but over time , Google is gaining share against Microsoft and against Yahoo .

  28. 根据《网络程序》,IE浏览器的使用量(或市场份额,如果你非要用这个词)在十一月降至69.77%。

    According to Net Apps , Internet Explorer usage ( market share , if you must insist ) dropped to 69.77 percent in November .

  29. 针对手机的多数攻击以搭载Android操作系统的智能手机为目标,原因在于Android巨大的市场份额以及灵活、开放的技术。

    Most phone attacks are on handsets that use the Android operating system because of its large market share and flexible , open technology .

  30. 李小加面临的挑战将是如何提高利润,同时击退来自上海证交所(ShanghaiStockExchange)和可能会夺走市场份额的另类交易平台(又称暗池)的竞争。

    Mr Li 's challenge will be to boost profits while fighting off competition from the Shanghai Stock Exchange and from alternative trading platforms , known as dark pools , which threaten to take market share .