
  • 网络Buyi Opera;Bouyei-drama
  1. 本文通过对布依戏的戏剧特点和民族特点的分析,试图挖掘出这一民族艺术形式形成的内在和外在的文化因素。

    This paper tries to discover the culture conditions for Bouyei-drama forming by analyzing its drama and ethnic features .

  2. 同时,对布依戏艺术审美的延展空间、路径提出了个人见解。

    Meanwhile , the author puts forward personal opinion to the expansion room and path of Buyi opera aesthetic .

  3. 在深度把握布依戏审美个性之基础上,论述了布依戏与传统戏曲的审美关系,以及布依戏的审美品格。

    It expounds the aesthetic relationship between Buyi opera and traditional Chinese opera , as well as the aesthetic quality of Buyi opera .

  4. 换言之,正因为有了如此的生态环境,布依戏才出现了如此的审美形态,二者是决定与被决定的关系。

    In other words , it is the ecologic environment that makes the aesthetic form of Buyi opera . The latter is determined by the former .

  5. 由于艺术审美含蕴了对现实人生的超越性想像,因而,这样的研究视点,更易抵达布依戏戏曲艺术发展规律的本质层面。

    This viewpoint of study is easier to reach the nature of law of development , for the art aesthetic contains the imagination of real life beyond the nature .

  6. 这三个方面都是布依戏赖以形成、发展的基础和条件,同时也是布依戏审美形态呈现的内在根据。

    These three aspects are the basis and conditions for the formation and development of Buyi opera and they are also the internal basis for the representation of aesthetic form of Buyi opera .

  7. 具体来说,本论文关于布依戏艺术的审美观照主要涵括了如下内容:绪论部分对目前学界研究布依戏的现状予以述评,并厘清了布依戏艺术审美的基本内涵。

    Specifically , the art aesthetic about Buyi opera in this paper covered the following main elements : The introduction section of this paper reviews the major achievements of Buyi opera in current research field and clarifies the basic aesthetic connotation of Buyi opera .

  8. 从文化地理学角度分析,布依戏的产生可能是艺术形式发展较高的北路壮剧在同一地域范围内的自然传播,之后由于在分属不同民族地域流传而产生不同变化。

    From the perspective of cultural geography , bouyei play in May is the art form to develop higher Road North , strong play in the same geographical range of the natural transmission , because in the different national geographic spread and produce different variations .

  9. 本文主要研究对象是在贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州流传的布依戏。

    This article is the main object of study in Guizhou province Buyi and Miao autonomous prefecture of Bouyei play .