
  • 网络acquisition performance;performance
  1. 公司并购绩效评价最基本的实证方法研究

    The most basic Empirical Research of Merger and Acquisition Performance Evaluation

  2. 基于建立估价模型的企业并购绩效评价研究

    Research of enterprise acquisition performance evaluation basing on establishing evaluation mode

  3. 中国上市公司并购绩效EVA回报率评价

    M & A Evaluation of Chinese Listed Companies-Based on EVA Return Rate

  4. 基于EVA的外资并购绩效研究&福特并购江铃的案例分析

    A Performance Study on Foreign Capital M A Based on EVA A Case Analysis on Jiangling Motors Corporation , Ltd

  5. 由于数据包络分析(DEA)方法在评价个体间相对有效性方面,有着其它评价方法无可比拟的优越性,因而,本文首次将数据包络分析(DEA)方法引入上市公司并购绩效的比较研究中。

    Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) has superiority in evaluate comparative efficiency , so we apply DEA in M & A performance evaluation in advance .

  6. 同时,作者尝试用时机选择理论、羊群效应理论和托宾Q理论来解释牛熊市长期并购绩效的差异,发现托宾Q理论能够更好地解释这一现象。

    At the same time , the author tries to apply timing theory , managerial herding theory and Tobin ' Q theory in explaining the long-term performance of M & A under different market status .

  7. 其次,通过聚类和Fisher判别分析构建了上市公司并购绩效综合财务评价模型,研究表明:由此得出的并购绩效评价模型对样本公司具有较好的评估效果。

    So a scientific evaluation system should correctly diagnose the risk of a company . secondly , The article establish an integrative appraisal model of M & A performance by cluster analysis and Fisher discriminant analysis .

  8. 具体结论如下:Z指数对公司并购绩效具有显著的负效应;国家股比例与公司并购绩效呈显著正相关;流通股比例与公司并购绩效呈显著负相关。

    Specifically : the Z index has a significant negative effect on the performance of corporate M A ; proportion of state shares and corporate M A performance was a significant positive correlation ; the proportion of tradable shares and corporate performance is negatively correlated .

  9. 目前,对于TMT类企业的绩效,尤其是并购绩效的研究处于起步阶段,而产业的发展只有在明确了目标、方向以影响因素的前提下才能取得突破。

    Currently , TMT business performance , especially M & A performance research in its infancy , but industry only in clear goals and direction to the premise of factors can make a breakthrough .

  10. 其次,建立并购绩效评价体系。

    Secondly , establish the M & A performance evaluation system .

  11. 中国医药行业并购绩效研究

    The Study of M & A Performance in Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry

  12. 接着介绍了并购绩效的评价方法。

    Then introduced the M & A performance evaluation method .

  13. 中国上市公司跨行业并购绩效分析

    The Performance Analysis of Cross-industrial Mergers and Acquisitions of Chinese Listed Firms

  14. 民营企业并购绩效实证研究

    Company F COMPANY The Performance of M & A by Private Company

  15. 第四部分用因子分析法对并购绩效做出了分析。

    The fourth part of M & A performance made an empirical analysis .

  16. 企业并购绩效与目标公司选择研究

    Research on the M & A Performances of Enterprises and Target Firms Selection

  17. 企业并购绩效研究方法的分类探讨

    Discussion on the Classification of the Research Methods of M & A Performance

  18. 企业并购绩效的二次相对评价法

    A binary relative evaluation approach on performance of mergers and acquisitions of enterprises

  19. 终极产权论控制权特征与并购绩效

    Ultimate Property Right Theory , Characteristics of Right and M & A Performance

  20. 企业并购绩效研究现状分析

    Analysis of the performance of merger and acquisition

  21. 我国医药上市公司并购绩效的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on M & A Performance in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Listed Companies

  22. 组织学习与企业并购绩效。

    Organizational learning and the performance of acquisition .

  23. 中国上市公司控制权并购绩效实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Performance of Listing Companies Whose Controlling Stockholders Have Changed

  24. 战略并购绩效评价模型的理论与应用研究

    The Demonstrative Study on the Performance Evaluations Model of the Strategic M & A

  25. 影响公司并购绩效的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors of Performance of the Merge and Purchase in Chinese Company

  26. 中国上市公司并购绩效与思考

    Chinese Listed Companies : m & I performance

  27. 我国上市企业并购绩效的协同效应研究

    The Synergy Study on the Performance of Chinese Listed Companies in Mergers and Acquisitions

  28. 并购绩效与股权结构实证研究

    Empirical Research on Acquisition and Ownership Structure

  29. 企业并购绩效研究

    The Performance of Enterprise Merger and Acquisition

  30. 基于产业生命周期的上市公司并购绩效研究

    Study on the M & A Performance of Listed Companies Based on Industry Life Cycle