
  • Square dance;gcw.aizongyi.com
  1. 中老年妇女广场舞开展情况的调查与分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Middle-old Aged Women Square Dance Development

  2. 在广场舞的练习中,性别比例不够均衡。

    In the square dance exercise , a balanced sex ratio is not enough . 2 .

  3. 为什么广场舞这么受欢迎?

    Why is square-dancing so popular ?

  4. 跳广场舞的大妈,其实是一种自创的文化团体,大妈们现在到处找不到跳舞的场地,体现出了我们老年文化产业亟待发展、老年人文化需求急需得到满足的体现。

    The women who are into square-dancing cannot find other places for the hobby and have to form a group of their peers . The phenomenon shows that we urgently need to boost the cultural industry for seniors and meet their demands .

  5. 按照CarolineChen的说法,广场舞的问题在于,虽然有很多好处,但它与很多人越来越强烈的要求更安静、更少喧嚣的城市生活的意愿相冲突,如今,因为发展的原因,公共空间越来越受到挤压。

    The problem , according to Ms. Chen , is that public dancing , for all its benefits , conflicts with an increasing desire among many for a quieter , less chaotic urban lifestyle as public spaces are being squeezed by development . '

  6. 大妈们的广场舞想怎么跳就怎么跳,不过,这只是在受到打压之前的情况。

    The grannies could only dance free for so long before the crackdown came .

  7. 广场舞有的在公园里跳,有的在公共广场上跳,还有的在停车场里跳。

    The dances take place in venues ranging from parks and public squares to parking lots .

  8. 放弃健身房,像大妈那样去跳广场舞。

    Give up the gym , and take up dancing in public squares like a grandmother .

  9. 黄昏时分跳起广场舞。

    dance in squares at dusk

  10. 你会看到骑骡子比赛,广场舞,马秀,甚至修剪树的比赛。

    you might see mule-driving contests , square dances , horse shows , or even tree-cutting competitions .

  11. 武汉市中老年人参与广场舞具有练习次数多、持续时间长的特点。

    Wuhan City Square Dance with the elderly in practice more often , the characteristics of long duration . 4 .

  12. 在中国,有些大型活动不太受政府督促规范;最近热火朝天的广场舞就是其中之一。

    In China few activities escape the watchful eye of the state - and soon that will include square dancing .

  13. 据中国日报报道,政府已经聘请“专家”编排了12支国家批准的广场舞。

    According to the China Daily , authorities have hired an " expert panel " to choreograph 12 state-approved square dances .

  14. 在那个篮球场上,仍然可以看到广场舞爱好者在水泥地上用喷漆涂的“一起迈步、向左”的舞步指南。

    The basketball court still bears instructions spray-painted on the concrete by the dancers -- 'step together , turn left . '

  15. 清江舞又称为清江广场舞,是恩施地区非常普及的一种民族舞蹈。

    Qingjiang Dance , which is a widespread kind of folk dance in Enshi , is also called Qingjiang Square Dance .

  16. 跳广场舞的人们一般在早上6点左右和晚上7点后集合,各跳上大约一个小时。

    Dancers typically gather in the morning around 6 a.m. and in the evening after 7 p.m. for about an hour .

  17. 广大网友对玛索跳广场舞大为赞赏,有人评论称,她把中式广场舞跳出了芭蕾舞的感觉。

    Netizens are quite pleased with Marceau 's participation , with one comment saying she added ballet elements to the Chinese-style dance .

  18. 大妈们还在海外引发争议,在纽约、莫斯科等地大跳广场舞,引发当地警方出面制止。

    The grannies have even managed to court controversy abroad , recently inviting police intervention in places from New York to Moscow .

  19. 控制广场舞的行动给中国的这一传统带来了威胁,而且该传统在中国快速增长的老龄化人口当中广受欢迎。

    Moves to control public dancing threaten a tradition that has wide appeal among members of the country 's rapidly growing elderly population .

  20. 广场舞比赛的规程设置还不够完善,人们参加广场舞比赛积极性不高。

    The rules set of Square dance is still not perfect , the game enthusiasm of participants in square dance is not high enough .

  21. 通过调查研究掌握了城镇广场舞的开展情况并指出影响城镇广场舞开展的因素。

    Through the investigation and study to master the town square dance development and points out the factors affecting town square dance in the .

  22. 渥太华市长办公室今年邀请了30位来自广州的大妈到加拿大国庆日上来表演广场舞。

    Ottawa mayor office this year invites 30 senior people from Guangzhou , south China 's Guangdongprovince to perform square dancing on Canada Day .

  23. 近日,据当地媒体报道,法国女演员苏菲·玛索在南部城市广州加入了中国大妈的队伍,跳起了广场舞。

    French actress Sophie Marceau recently joined middle-aged Chinese women for a square dance in the southern city of Guangzhou , a local newspaper reported .

  24. 渥太华市长办公室今年邀请了30位来自中国南部的广东省的大妈在加拿大国庆日上来表演广场舞。

    Ottawa mayor office this year invites 30 senior people from Guangzhou , south China 's Guangdong province to perform square dancing on Canada Day .

  25. 不过,广场舞也引发了一些强烈的不满,附近的居民尤其会抱怨噪音太大。有时,广场舞的反对者甚至会大发雷霆。

    But the dancing has also provoked a backlash , with neighbors complaining in particular about the noise . Sometimes the opposition has turned ugly .

  26. 在北京昌平,广场舞爱好者说,在附近的人抱怨之后,他们搬出了小区,到一个篮球场上跳。

    In the town of Changping , dancers say they took to a basketball court after complaints from neighbors drove them out of an apartment complex .

  27. 福州市城区广场舞培训班开展次数较少,培训班内容过于单一,没有形成特色化的培训体系。

    The Fuzhou city square dance training course in a smaller number , training content is too onefold , not forming a complete specialized training system .

  28. 今年七月,一群充满活力的“中国大妈”将受邀出国去一个更大的舞台上表演他们的“广场舞”。

    A team of energetic " Chinese dama " are going abroad to perform their neighborhood " square dancing " on a bigger stage this July .

  29. 绝大部分广场舞参与者每周锻炼的频次、时间和强度达到了体育人口的标准。

    Most of the square dance participants take exercise every week of the frequency . the exercise time and strength is to the standard of the sports population .

  30. 广场舞话题在中国是大热门,但故事里点燃国家媒体的大妈们&并非都是那么招人待见。

    Square dancing has become an improbably hot topic in China , with stories on the dancing damas – not all of them flattering – lighting up state media .