
  1. 在库尔德问题上存在的共同利益,拉近了两国关系的距离;

    The shared interests in tackling the Kurd issue have got the two close each other .

  2. 20年与反叛者的战争之后,土耳其明白了单靠军事力量并不足以解决库尔德问题。

    After more than two decades of war against the rebels , Turkey knows that military measures alone cannot fix its Kurdish problem .

  3. 土耳其库尔德问题,是整个库尔德问题的重要组成部分,其实质是土耳其库尔德人为争取和实现民族权益同政府之间引发的矛盾与冲突。

    Turkey 's Kurdish question , one important component of the whole Kurdish question , stems from the conflict between and the Kurds striving for their ethnic rights and the Turkish government .

  4. 本文分三个阶段对土耳其库尔德问题的历史和现状进行了回顾与总结,分析了土耳其库尔德问题产生的根源及其对土耳其政治、经济和社会的影响,探讨了库尔德问题未来的发展趋势。

    Reviewing the history and the present situation of Turkey 's Kurdish question , the paper analyzes the cause of the question and its influence on Turkey 's politics , economy , and society ; meanwhile its tendency is discussed .

  5. 但是由于实力不济,波斯失去了至为重要的两河流域地区,政治中心从西部、北部逐渐东移。这为现代两伊战争的发生、以及困扰国际社会的库尔德问题埋下了伏笔。

    Its lack of power , however , led to the lost of the vital region of Mesopotamia , which made its political center move from the west and norm to east gradually , foreshadowing the happening of the modern ban-Iraq war and the Kurdish problem bothering the international community .

  6. 中东稳定的潜在威胁&库尔德民族问题

    Potential menace to stability of the middle east & the question of Kurdish minority

  7. 土耳其总理最近说,我的库尔德同胞有了问题,我们并没有库尔德问题。

    Remember the prime minister lately said , my Kurdish brothers have problems and there is no Kurdish problem , which is a way step back from where he was in2005 .

  8. 库尔德活动积极分子指控其他与会者排斥他们,忽视库尔德问题之后退出会议。

    Kurdish activists pulled out after accusing other participants of marginalising them and ignoring the Kurdish issue .