
dàn zhuó diǎn
  • Impact point;point of impact;point of grazing;point of bullet contact;position of a hit
  1. 本文介绍一种用于航炮打地靶的弹着点定位方法及实现自动报靶的途径。

    This paper introduces a method to position-fix point of impact when shooting ground targets from aircraft cannons and a way to realize automatic scoring .

  2. 而记录仪在弹着点区域落地后,能否成功回收也在很大程度上决定着庞大而费时费力的现场试验的成败。

    The recorder after landing at the point of impact area , the vast and time-consuming field test success or failure is large extent determines of the recycling .

  3. 双CCD交汇测量系统在检测武器的弹着点及命中概率等方面的应用是十分广泛的。

    It is very widely that two liner array CCD intersection measuring system is applied in measurement of bullet coordinate and shoot probability .

  4. 采用MATLAB编程方法,对动力学模型和弹着点计算模型进行数值仿真,获得了自动机运动特性曲线和外弹道曲线。

    Numerical simulation of the dynamic model and the exterior ballistic model are simulated to get the motion characteristics curves of each component and the exterior ballistic curves by MATLAB programming .

  5. 采用诱饵诱骗技术欺骗反辐射导弹(ARM)的弹着点,使其无法摧毁我方电子设备,甚至无法摧毁诱饵。

    Making use of the technology of decoy to deceive the impact location of Anti-Radiation Missile , which can not destroy our electronic equipment , can not even destroy the decoy .

  6. 讨论了BMP图象格式的使用技巧,利用灰度级确定弹着点中心位置以及去除噪声斑点的计算机处理方法。

    It also discusses the usage of bmp format and image processing techniques such as determining the centering points of hits using gradation , and erasing noises .

  7. 结合航空武器火控系统试飞的实际需求,给出了航空武器系统试飞过程中靶试弹着点的处理方法与靶试CEP值的计算方法。

    Combined with the actual requirement of flight-test of the aviation weapon fire control system , we give the processing method of the pills fall points and the calculating method of the CEP value in the flight-test .

  8. 此外,将盲区半径指标Rm看成是一个随机变量,每次弹着点的最小半径作为样本值,通过直观的方法得到Rm的3种点估计。

    Further , deeming the blind area radius index R m to be a stochastic variable , and the minimum radius of each point of fall of the missile bullets to be the sample value ; three types of point estimate of R m are obtained through some intuitionistic method .

  9. 因此,基于声学的弹着点定位方法便成为首选。

    So impact point detecting method based on acoustics becomes preferred .

  10. 基于声学靶传感器的弹着点测试研究与实现

    Research and implement of testing impact points based on acoustics target sensor

  11. 基于回归网络的非线性外弹道弹着点预报仿真研究

    The Study of Nonlinear Ballistic Trajectory System Estimation Based on Recursion Networks

  12. 弹着点散布因素与密集度试验问题分析

    The Analysis of Bullet Spread Factors and Density Test Question

  13. 由于风大,吉姆无法确保弹着点。

    The wind was strong and Jim couldn 't call his shots .

  14. 基于声学检测技术的弹着点定位系统

    Location System of Impact Point Based on Acoustics Detecting Technique

  15. 瞬间之后,又一发炮弹击中比第一发弹着点高五米处。

    A split second later another hit five meters higher .

  16. 基于弹着点椭圆散布的矩形目标命中概率计算

    Hit Probability Calculation of Rectangle Target based on Ellipse Dispersion of Hit Point

  17. 基于计算机视觉的弹着点坐标远程测量系统

    Remote measuring system of bomb-fall based on computer vision

  18. 多管火箭弹着点分布特征分析

    Analysis on Distribution of Projectiles of Multiple Launch Rocket

  19. 根据外弹道学基本原理,建立了弹着点计算模型。

    The exterior ballistic model is made by the based principle of exterior ballistic .

  20. 大口径火炮对海射击弹着点检测激波定位模型

    Shock Wave Position Model of Impact Point for Heavy Caliber Artillery Firing to Sea

  21. 在弹着点或空中爆炸(利用引信)。

    Bursts on impact , or in the air ( with fuze time ) .

  22. 另外,考虑所有随机参数存在时,弹着点并不是正态分布。

    Moreover , when all stochastic parameters exist , the impact point isn 't normal distribution .

  23. 航空武器系统靶试弹着点的处理及精度评定方法研究

    On Method of Weapon Pill 's Fall Point Processing and Precision Evaluation in Aviation Weapon System Flight-test

  24. 声学立靶弹着点测试数学模型与误差分析

    The mathematical modeling and error analysis for the measurement of the impact points in an acoustic vertical target

  25. 其次,建立了火箭弹弹着点散布的计算方法,并运用Monte-Carlo法模拟弹着点的散布;

    Secondly , the Monte-Carlo method is applied and the calculating method for scattering of point of impact is established .

  26. 使用专门的软件可以计算出导弹的弹道和弹着点及脱靶量。

    With special softwares , the trajectory , the impact point and the miss-distance of the guided missile can be calculated .

  27. 通过像素点来模拟弹着点和对搜索区有效像素的统计,得出与实际投弹对应的轰炸结果。

    Through simulating the bomb dropping point by pixel point and corresponding statistic of valid pixel , the practical bombing result is obtained .

  28. 本文介绍了针对部队射击训练用的自动报靶系统的靶位各同心圆及弹着点的计算机图象处理方法。

    This paper introduces computer image processing of concentric circles on the target spot and hits in the Automatic Report System of Target Hits .

  29. 分别从反舰导弹弹着点、导引头目标跟踪稳定性和反舰导弹飞行稳定性三个方面考虑,研究了评估复合制导反舰导弹主被动复合导引头抗干扰性能的基本理论和方法,建立了评估指标。

    Appropriate evaluation indexes are established based on the considerations for the missile impact , the target tracking stability and the flight stability of the missile .

  30. 所以有必要在试验之前进行弹道的随机分析,给出弹着点的合理分布。

    Therefore , it 's necessary that the trajectory stochastic analysis should be implemented and reasonable distribution of impact point should be given before experiment study .