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ɡuī yǐn
  • Seclusion;return to one's hometown and seclude;live in seclusion in the countryside
归隐 [guī yǐn]
  • [live in seclusion] 回到民间或故乡隐居

  • 归隐故园

  1. 五十年代中期,塞林格已经归隐山林,住在新罕布什尔。

    By the mid-nineteen-fifties , Salinger had disappeared down his New Hampshire rabbit hole .

  2. 归隐派与名士风度&废名、沈从文、汪曾祺论

    Retirement School and Their Personage Demeanour : From FEI Ming , SHEN Cong-wen to WANG Zeng-qi

  3. 归隐之路&20世纪法国哲学踪迹

    The Road to the Hidden & A Survey of the French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

  4. 启蒙的式微与传统精神的归隐&对五四文化启蒙运动的再评价

    Weakening of the Enlightenment and Disappearing of the Traditional Spirit & Reevaluation of the May 4th Cultural Enlightenment

  5. 他们入仕的理想破灭,断然选择的归隐都给他们创作的小说融入了特殊成分。

    They earners of disillusionment , flatly choose retreat to their special ingredients into the creation of novels .

  6. 他寻求超越和解脱:归隐躬耕,在自然中寻求和保持心理平衡;

    He returned home and farmed in order to seek and keep psychological equilibrium in the natural world .

  7. 归隐山林后,梭罗仅花费了62美元便度过了第一年。

    Having retreated to the woods , he lived on just over $ 62 in his first year .

  8. “吏隐”向来是作为归隐的过渡阶段,历来吟咏吏隐者莫不以归隐为终结理想。

    In the history , the acclamation of official seclusion considered living in seclusion to be the ultimate ideal .

  9. 于1781年10月19日英军在约克镇投降后,华盛顿归隐芒特弗农。

    After the British surrender at Yorktown , October 19 , 1781 , George Washington returned to Mount Vernon .

  10. 那时他已60岁,但还没有准备退休后归隐山林或去打高尔夫球。

    He was 60 , but not yet ready to retire to the mountains or chase a little white ball .

  11. 范蠡、西施归隐处一范蠡湖,是嘉兴的名胜之一。

    Fanlihu Lake , where General Fanli and Beauty Xishi lived seclusion , is a famous scenic spot in jiaxing .

  12. 浅论郭嵩焘归隐与湖湘文化忠义之气华侨抗战:中华民族精神的深刻诠释

    Overseas Chinese in ( China 's ) Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression : A Profound Interpretation of Chinese Patriotic Ethos

  13. 其次分析了刘基诗文中透露出的道家崇尚自然、渴望归隐的生命情怀。

    Then analyzes the poetry of Liu Ji reveals the Taoist respect for nature , lives and feelings of desire Hermitage .

  14. 在他的边塞诗中,突出地反映了他出塞与思乡、建功与归隐的矛盾心态。

    In Cen Shen 's frontier poems , it reflects his contradictory attitude toward enlistment and homesickness , honor and seclusion .

  15. 沃伊特会吸烟,会用瓶喝啤酒,还会和将士摔角。战后,他归隐爱丁堡动物园。

    Wojtek smoked cigarettes , drank beer from the bottle , wrestled with the men , and retired to Edinburgh Zoo after the war .

  16. 陶在归隐后,仍念念不忘樊笼般的社会,仍渴望知遇贤主明君,希望自己的大志能得以伸展。

    After being hermit , he still hope to return to society and to meet a good emperor and that he can achieve own ideal .

  17. 对陶渊明来说,弃绝仕途后归隐田园,是为了实现灵魂的归根和精神的自救。

    In Tao Yuanming 's heart , the intension of his return to cropland , is to achieve soul 's return and spirit 's salvation .

  18. 在异族统治充满阶级统治下的元代,元代文人画家大部分走上了归隐的道路。

    In the Yuan dynasty under foreign rule is full of class , most of the literati painters of the Yuan dynasty embarked on the road to retirement .

  19. 这个故事的寓意是为了体现华盛顿的谦虚和诚实,对这位自动放弃连任、归隐田园的总统加以润饰,与美国独立前统治者独爱权势和暴政的情形产生极大反差。

    a fable attributed to the leader 's refusal to continue serving , thus contradicting the grab for power and tyranny from which the nation had just escaped .

  20. 归隐之后的诗人,在身体力行的劳动中对人生和生死进行了深刻的思考,最终借助诗歌中的人物建立起自己的精神家园。

    After retirement , the poet had a profound thought on life and death in the hands-on labor , and ultimately built his spiritual home through the characters in the poetry .

  21. 苏轼的归隐向往,不仅根基于功成身退的人生理想,而且导源于那个时代的浓郁的政治忧患和生命忧患。

    Sushis yearning for hermitage not only founded on his idea of retirement from political life after having won tremendous successes , but also derived from the heavy worries about politics and life .

  22. 他上了年纪,头发弯弯曲曲,好像许多小蛇从他脑袋中钻出来一样,衣服看起来某位归隐之士捐出的慈善品一样。闻起来也是那个味。

    He was very old and bent with hair that looked like a lot of tiny snakes coming out of his head , and his clothing looked like something a hermit would donate to charity .

  23. 道家隐逸全生的出世态度使得大量文人墨客归隐山林,道法自然的世界观则推动了自然审美意识的觉醒。

    Taoism 's attitudes of stepping out of world to keep safe made lots of scholars retreat to live in mountain area , and its world outlook of following nature stimulated the awakening of natural esthetics consciousness .

  24. 归隐乡野之后,发明吸卤煮盐的方法,使云安成为中国最古老的盐场之一,为繁荣当地经济做出了巨大的贡献。

    After returning to the countryside , Fu Jia had invented the method of absorbing halogens and extracting salt and made Yunan one of the oldest salt production places in China , giving a great contribution to prospering local economy .

  25. 景区副总经理徐雷称,老君山的历史可以追溯至战国时期,道家始祖李耳据说曾在此归隐。

    Laojunshan Mountain 's origin dates back to China 's Warring States Period , when philosopher Li Er , ancestor of Taoism , allegedly spent his hermit life here , according to Xu Lei , the attraction 's vice general manager .

  26. 同时,还有一部分人,因为种种原因成为遗民,他们在新旧政权交替之际或积极抵抗,殉节明志,或消极抗争,归隐山林,汪元量就是后者中很特殊的一位。

    There are also some people , for various reasons become adherents , they old regime there or active resistance , martyrdom Ming-chih , or passive resistance , Hermitage Forest , in Wang is one of the latter in the very special .

  27. 魏野并非走终南捷径一类的隐士,他以隐修道,不重名利,以适性、随缘为其生存指向,所以绝不会出仕,真心归隐。

    Wei Ye Zhongnan not take shortcuts for a class of hermits , he implicitly monasticism , not heavy fame , with " adaptive ", " Going " point for their survival , it will not be official career , really Hermitage .

  28. 从辛弃疾罢官归隐后的词作看辛弃疾的爱国情怀和词风变化太平的爱漂向何方&论《大明宫词》女性主体的爱情观

    Xin Qiji s Patriotic Feelings and the Changes of His Poems Style after His Living in Seclusion ; Where Should the Love of Tai Ping Princess Drift & On Women of the Vain Views on Love in " Da Ming Gong Ci "

  29. 两人同处政权交替,动荡黑暗的纷乱时代,共同受儒家思想的影响几次出仕,但由于主体思想的不同使得两人在入仕和归隐时的心态有所不同。

    Two people in the interregnum , the turbulent and dark chaos common era , under the influence of Confucianism several outcome , but due to the different main body thought makes people in two into the official and hermit mentality when different .

  30. 由于不凡的经历和秉性,王诗或以峭拔凌厉的议政表现在欲行禅的人生信条,或以隐喻曲笔表现其难言的归隐之心。

    Since his extraordinary experience and nature , Wang 's poems show creed of life of " acting Buddhism on desire " by discussing severe politics , or show his obeying living in seclusion heart which is bald to say by metaphors and turning tone .