
  • 网络Colorful world;Invisible Journey;Wonderful World of Color
  1. 词语反映彩色世界的多彩;

    Words show the colors of the colorful world .

  2. 每当他造访一个国家,他就让纹身师把自己背后的那个国家纹上颜色。比尔希望有一天它能够完成这幅彩色的世界地图。

    As he visits each new country , he has a tattoo artist fill in the border outline - and hopes to complete the map one day .

  3. 彩色胶卷,色彩世界,逼真自然,过目难忘。

    The color film , a colorful world , is lifelike and natural , and unforgettaBle at a glance .