
dài yè rén yuán
  • Unemployed personnel;people waiting for employment
待业人员[dài yè rén yuán]
  1. 而我和其他所有的人一样成了待业人员。

    And I became a laid-off employee like everyone else .

  2. 干部高于家庭待业人员、农民和工人;

    The morbidity of cadres is much higher than that of unemployment 、 peasants and workers .

  3. 它的广泛普及,将解决部分下岗待业人员再就业和农村剩余劳动力的安置。

    Its widespread popularity will solve part of unemployment personnel again obtain employment and laid off the rural surplus labor of the settlement .

  4. 男性商业与交通运输业人员肥胖现患率最高,待业人员及农民最低;

    Occupational characteristic of obesity in males shows that merchant and traffic transportation men have the highest rates , while unemployed and farmers have the lowest .

  5. 近几年来,我国贫困化的趋势日益严重,并出现了贫困企业职工,失业、待业人员,部分退休职工,部分外来人口等新的城市贫困群体。

    Abstract In recent years , the trend of pauperization in China is becoming increasingly grave and the new poor colonys of firms ' poor staff , unemployment people .

  6. 某企业选择劳动型服务企业和聘用待业人员,符合国家所得税减免政策,同时正确选择了减免时间,提高了企业的经济效益与社会效益。

    In an enterprise , to employ the underemployed people is lawful and can improve the economic and social benefits because of getting the right time of reducing or remitting tax .

  7. 结果表明,青少年、待业闲散人员、个体经营者、初中以下文化群体是滥用药物的高危人群。

    The results showed that youngsters , the unemployed , individual managers and those under middle school education were high-risk population of drug abuse .