
wēi xínɡ ɡuó jiā
  • microstate
  1. 微型国家问题一直是困扰联合国的一个难题。

    Micro-states ' problem has been a difficult problem which puzzles the United Nations .

  2. 迄今为止,联合国已经有很多微型国家成员,它们甚至在一定程度上发挥着重要的作用。

    So far , there are lots of micro-states members in the United Nations .

  3. 但是,这并不意味着微型国家问题的终结。

    But this does not mean that it is the end of the micro-states ' issues .

  4. 可见,微型国家在参与联合国相关事务的过程中举步维艰。

    Thus , it is difficult for micro-states to participate in the related affairs of United Nations .

  5. 由于微型国家自身的一些特性,其不能像国际社会中的其它国家那样参与到国际事务中。

    The characteristics of micro-states make them not to participate in international affairs like other states in the international community .

  6. 这与微型国家或地区的可持续发展更加需要高等教育的支撑紧密相关。

    This related closely to the fact that the sustainable development of small states and territories need more support from higher education .

  7. 微型国家与地区并非仅是巨型或大型国家的迷你版那般简单,微型国家与地区有其自身的独特性。

    Small states and territories are not the " mini-version " of the giant or large countries , they have their own uniqueness .

  8. 有鉴于此,探讨澳门高等教育的发展应将其放置于微型国家与地区的视域之下。

    For this reason , Macau should be placed under the Small states and territories sight in order to explore the development of higher education in Macau .

  9. 正因为如此,微型国家作为联合国的会员国,其在行使一些会员权利的时候会屡遭限制,在履行一些会员义务的时候也会出现种种困境。

    Because of this , micro-states as members of the United Nations , their rights will be restricted , and there are so many difficulties needed to deal with when they complete members ' obligations .

  10. 加入联合国对于微型国家而言是一个突破,是提升国际地位、得到国际社会肯定、扩展国际交往范围的最佳途径。

    Joining the United Nations is a very important thing for micro-states . It is the best way for micro-states to enhance their international status , to make themselves affirmed by the international community , to expand the scope of international relations .

  11. 那么澳门缘何缺少一所世界知名的高等院校?澳门应如何规划其高等教育的未来发展路向呢?澳门属于典型的微型地区,世界范围内有诸多类似于澳门的微型国家与地区。

    Why Macau lack a world-renowned institution ? How should Macau plan the way forward for its higher education ? Macau is a typical small territory . There are many small states and territories similar to Macau across the world .