
  • 网络Micro black hole;microscopic black hole
  1. 英国著名的物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金曾经预测,微型黑洞会在一番激烈的爆发之后灰飞烟灭。

    They may also allow Stephen Hawking , a well-known British physicist , to receive a much-deserved Nobel prize .

  2. 后来,斯蒂芬认识到黑洞的几个新特点并论证了“大爆炸”惊人的力量会产生一些微型黑洞。

    Stephen later discerned several new characteristics of black holes and demonstrated that the amazing forces of the Big Bang would have created mini-black holes .

  3. 除了仍未能观测到的微型黑洞,物理学家已经确认大量数倍太阳质量黑洞存在的迹象。

    Apart from the as-yet-unobserved microscopic variety , physicists have spotted numerous telltale signs of black holes that weigh several times the mass of the sun .