
  • 网络DEUTSCHE WELLE;Deutsch Welle;DW-TV
  1. 但是,她的父母的好友们非常喜欢这些照片,这位女孩的父亲通过《德国之声》告诉当地的杂志:“这是个非常棒的家庭相册,很受Facebook好友的欢迎。”

    But hey , those friends like the photos , the woman 's father tells a local magazine by way of Deutsche Welle : " It 's a nice family album that 's been well received by our Facebook friends . "

  2. 在塔利班武装分子周三杀害了一名为德国广播公司德国之声工作的阿富汗记者的家人后,该组织发出这一警告。

    The group issued the warning after Taliban fighters killed the family member of an Afghan reporter working for German broadcaster Deutsche Welle on Wednesday .