
  1. 结合作者在德国汽车工业界从事专业开发汽车电子控制单元(ECU)的经验,分析了ECU产品开发过程的一些关键问题。

    With the experience obtained in the professional development of vehicle electronic control unit ( ECU ) in German automotive industry , the author points out the linchpin in the development process of ECU products .

  2. 德国汽车工业前景不容乐观,国内汽车市场饱和,国外汽车市场对德国汽车的需求出现下降,各大汽车厂家纷纷压缩生产。

    There is no pleasant future for German automotive industry because of a saturated domestic automotive market , a reduced demand for German automotive products from foreign automotive market and production recession in all big automotive manufacturers .

  3. 美国和德国的汽车工业能发展的如此兴旺,原因有很多,例如他们的汽车产业基础好,有大量的技术工人保留下来等因素。

    The brilliant development of automobile industry in America and Germany relates to their great industrial foundation and skilled workers a lot .

  4. 德国慕尼黑的IFO经济研究所周二表示,德国汽车工业及其供应商面临着30年来最严重的芯片供应短缺。

    The Ifo economic research group in Munich , Germany said Tuesday that the German car industry and its suppliers faced the worst chip supply shortage in 30 years .

  5. 德国避开了欧盟更严格的减排规定,称该规定可能损害德国的汽车工业,不过这种回避可能只是暂时的。

    Germany 's been the side step tougher EU emissions loss contending the law could harm its auto industry , though it may be only temporary .