
  • 网络deutsche telekom;T-Mobile;Deutsche Telekom AG;T-system
  1. BT和德国电信(DeutscheTelekom)等全球性运营商都投资了FON。

    Global operators like BT ( BT ) and Deutsche Telekom ( dtegy ) have invested in fon .

  2. 德国电信(DeutscheTelekom)与中国移动(ChinaMobile)签署了一项合作协议,将共同建设一个能让汽车接入互联网、播放在线音乐并相互通信的网络。

    Deutsche Telekom has signed a partnership with China Mobile to set up a network that will allow cars to access the internet , stream online music and communicate with each other .

  3. 德国电信称,此次预购活动不接受来自互联网的预约,只允许消费者到实体店内下单。

    The carrier is allegedly not taking online reservations and only letting customers pre-order the device in-store .

  4. 中国电信(ChinaTelecom,一亿用户)、斯普林特(Sprint)(5200万用户)、德国电信美国公司(T-MobileUSA)(3300万用户)等都是现成的例子。

    Examples include China Telecom ( 100m subs ) , sprint ( 52m subs ) , and T-Mobile USA ( 33m subs ) .

  5. 德国电信公司首款4G手机将于11月3日,也就是下周三开始发售。

    And T-Mobile 's first 4G Phone will hit shelves Nov 3rd . That 's next Wednesday .

  6. 德国电信和中国移动希望,它们对半出资组建的合资企业,能发展为一个像苹果(Apple)iOS或谷歌(Google)Android操作系统那样的平台——第三方应用开发者可以该平台为基础搞进一步的开发。

    Deutsche Telekom and China Mobile hope their 50-50 joint venture will become a platform , like Apple 's iOS or Google 's Android operating systems , which third-party application developers can build on .

  7. AT&T和T-Mobile的母公司德国电信(DeutscheTelekom)已承诺会继续争取,但合并的希望渺茫。

    AT & T and Deutsche Telekom , T-Mobile 's German parent , have pledged to fight on , but the merger 's chances are slim .

  8. 德国电信(DeutscheTelekom)同意与中国国企中国移动(ChinaMobile)合建一个汽车网络。德国电信还希望,该协议能为一个此前封闭的市场开一扇后门,展现出车联网技术进步带来的潜在机遇。

    Deutsche Telekom , which agreed to build a car network with state-owned China Mobile , also hopes the deal will open a backdoor on to a previously closed market , illustrating the potential opportunities stemming from advances in connected cars .

  9. 中国移动决定与德国电信合作,而不是与ATT等美国企业合作,这绝非偶然。

    It is no accident that China Mobile has decided to partner with Deutsche Telekom rather than , say , a US company such as ATT.

  10. 预计将支持电子SIM卡计划的网络包括AT&T、德国电信(DeutscheTelekom)、Etisalat、和记黄埔(HutchisonWhampoa)、Orange、西班牙电信(Telefónica)和沃达丰(Vodafone)。

    Networks expected to support the plans include AT & T , Deutsche Telekom , Etisalat , Hutchison Whampoa , Orange , Telef ó nica and Vodafone .

  11. 德国电信一名董事表示:我们想回到希特勒统治下的盖世太保岁月,或前东德的史塔西(Stasi,即秘密警察译者注)时代吗?

    A Deutsche Telekom director says : Do we want to go back to the days of the Gestapo under Hitler or the Stasi in the DDR ?

  12. 德国电信的董事莱恩哈特•克莱门斯(ReinhardClemens)说:发展车联网业务是德国电信的一项战略性举措,而中国对我们的车联网业务具有重要战略意义。

    Reinhard Clemens , board member at Deutsche Telekom , said : Connected car is a strategic initiative within Deutsche Telekom , while China is of strategic importance for our connected car business .

  13. 中国移动数据部总经理刘昕表示,德国电信在该领域的技术已得到验证,而他的公司“有信心在明年早些时候建成100万座(4G基站)”。

    Liu Xin , head of China Mobile 's data division , says Deutsche Telekom 's technology has been tested in the field , while his company is " confident that sometime early next year we 're going to reach 1m [ 4G base stations ] . "

  14. 由于当前债务市场如此脆弱,私人股本集团也可能被迫分散其策略,寻求对上市公司进行少数股权投资,例如黑石去年对德国电信(DeutscheTelekom)投资30亿美元的交易。

    With the debt markets being so feeble , private equity groups may also be forced to diversify their strategies and pursue minority equity investments in listed companies , such as last year 's $ 3bn investment by Blackstone in Deutsche Telekom .

  15. 如果在年底之前,监管部门反对这笔交易,正如它曾在2011年反对ATT以290亿美元收购T-Mobile一样,中国移动将迎来机会,有望与T-Mobile的母公司德国电信进行谈判。

    If regulators sink the deal before the year is out just as they did with ATT 's proposed $ 39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile in 2011 it could open the door to China Mobile negotiating an agreement with T-Mobile 's parent company , Deutsche Telekom .

  16. 如果在年底之前,监管部门反对这笔交易,正如它曾在2011年反对AT&T以290亿美元收购T-Mobile一样,中国移动将迎来机会,有望与T-Mobile的母公司德国电信进行谈判。

    If regulators sink the deal before the year is out -- just as they did with AT & T 's proposed $ 39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile in 2011 -- it could open the door to China Mobile negotiating an agreement with T-Mobile 's parent company , Deutsche Telekom .

  17. 德国电信的董事莱恩哈特•克莱门斯(ReinhardClemens)说:“发展车联网业务是德国电信的一项战略性举措,而中国对我们的车联网业务具有重要战略意义。因此,从战略上来说,与中国移动的合作对德国电信极其重要。”

    Reinhard Clemens , board member at Deutsche Telekom , said : " Connected car is a strategic initiative within Deutsche Telekom , while China is of strategic importance for our connected car business . The partnership with China Mobile is therefore strategically of utmost importance to Deutsche Telekom . "

  18. 德国电信仍然是德国固定线路市场的主导运营商;

    Deutsche Telecom is still leading the fixed line market in Germany .

  19. 下金蛋的德国电信市场已成过去

    Days Are Gone for Golden - Egg - Laying Telecom Market in Germany

  20. 德国电信国际化战略探讨

    Discussion on the International Strategy of Deutsche Telekom

  21. 因此,从战略上来说,与中国移动的合作对德国电信极其重要。

    The partnership with China Mobile is therefore strategically of utmost importance to Deutsche Telekom .

  22. 德国电信业发展现状

    Development Status of Telecom Industry in Germany

  23. 德国电信公司总裁索默辞职

    President of German Telecom Sommer Resigns

  24. 德国电信及其集团下属公司保留交换各自的资料的权利。

    Deutsche Telekom Ag and its group companies reserve the right to exchange the respective information .

  25. 2001年,华为赢得了与西班牙和德国电信提供商的首批合同。

    In 2001 , Huawei won its first contracts with telecom providers in Spain and Germany .

  26. 他说他很吃惊并且打电话给德国电信,德国电信答应将调查这张账单。

    He said he " panicked " and called T-Mobile , which said it would investigate the charges .

  27. 投资人欢迎这项宣布,德国电信公司的股票因此在法兰克福股票交易市场上涨百分之十一以上。

    Investors welcomed the announcement . German Telecom 's stocks rose over 11 % in the Frankfurt Stock Exchange .

  28. 德国电信监视通话记录一事,使数百万客户对自己通话记录的隐私性产生了怀疑。

    Deutsche Telekom 's scrutiny of phone records raised doubts for millions of customers about the privacy of their call logs .

  29. 尽管如此,以德国电信公司为榜样,所有德国综合指数所涉及的30家公司最近均答应制定与其相似的目标。

    Still , following Deutsche Telekom 's example , all 30 companies in the DAX index recently agreed to set themselves similar goals .

  30. 美国电话电报公司和德国电信公司曾试图赶超维德森无线公司,这一在市场中处于领军地位的手机运营商。

    AT & T and T-Mobile were trying to get ahead of Verizon Wireless , the market leader in the cellphone carrier business .