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  • epicardium
  1. B样条在三维心外膜动态标测模型仿真中的应用

    The Application of Multilevel B-Splines in 3D Emulation of Dynamic Epicardium Mapping

  2. B组14例心外膜起搏,心脏术后12例,CCAVB2例。

    Group B : 14 cases setting up epicardium pacemaker .

  3. 结果:心电图、心外膜电图ST段均抬高;

    ST segments in both ECG and epicardial mapping were elevated .

  4. 银杏总黄酮和银杏内酯配伍对心肌缺血猫心外膜心电及心肌SOD的影响

    Effects of total flavone of Ginkgo combined with Ginkgolides on ECG of epicardium and activity of SOD on myocardial ischemia in cats

  5. 急性心肌梗死(acutemyocardialinfarction,AMI)早期最显而易见的病理解剖学现象为梗死相关血管的完全闭塞,心肌梗死发生后心外膜冠状动脉完全闭塞。

    The obvious pathological and anatomical phenomenon in early stage of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) is the total occlusion of infarction related artery in epicardium .

  6. 方法应用GE公司的新型心外膜超声探头对32例非体外循环左乳内动脉左前降支动脉旁路移植术中吻合口进行检测。

    Methods Thirty two cases of LIMA-LAD off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting were analysed by new type epicardial probe produced by GE medical system .

  7. LAD向前外方沿室间沟走行于心外膜脂肪内,供应LV大部分的血液(图2)。

    The LAD artery courses anterolaterally in the epicardial fat of the anterior interventricular groove and supplies the majority of the LV ( Fig2 ) .

  8. 结论Lipo-PGE1联合UK治疗AMI能促进梗塞血管(心外膜血管)及梗死心肌(微血管)的再灌注。

    Conclusion Lipo-PG E1 combined with UK was shown to promote reperfusion of the infarct-related artery ( epicardial flow ) and infarcted myocardium ( microvasculature ) .

  9. 目的:探索不停跳心外膜微波消融术治疗心房颤动(AF)的临床应用和初步疗效。

    Objective : To apply the epicardial microwave ablation on beating-heart to treat the atrial fibrillation ( AF ) in cardiac operation and assess the early clinical effect .

  10. 心外膜射频消融犬Bachmann束对心房颤动诱发的影响

    The effect of epicardial radiofrequency ablation of Bachmann bundle on acute induction of atrial fibrillation in dogs

  11. 使用心外膜和胸壁心电图同时标测的方法观察19只犬结扎冠状动脉后∑q,∑r、∑st在二种标测图上的相互关系。

    Nineteen dogs were studied to observe the relationship of Σ Q ·Σ Q and Σ ST on the chest wall and epicardium with simultaneous precordial and epicardial ECG mapping by occluding the left anterior descending coronary artery .

  12. 心外膜低温标测32例,确定VT起源灶19例(59%)。

    The site of origin of VT was found in 19 ( 59 % ) of 32 VTs by ice epicardial mapping ( 0-2 ℃) .

  13. 目的评价心外膜超声心动图(IEE)在心脏外科手术中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the application value intraoperative epicardial echocardiography ( IEE ) in cardiac surgery .

  14. 利用自动房颤刺激器维持房颤,待房颤持续4周后,取16s的心外膜电图作分析。

    AF was maintained by an automatic atrial fibrillator . After AF had persisted for 4 weeks , a period of 16 seconds AF was taken for data analysis .

  15. 目的:应用冠脉血流显像观察前降支(LAD)近端慢性闭塞后其中远段以及后降支(PDA)血流的变化,探讨无创检测心外膜血流在评价侧支循环方面的意义。

    Objective : To observe the changes of epicardial blood flow after progressive coronary occlusion by color Doppler coronary flow imaging ( CDCFI ) and assess its value in evaluating collateral circulation .

  16. 应用接触电极和悬浮微电极,同步记录比较了在位兔心左室心外膜单相动作电位和跨膜动作电位,发现MAP的复极过程与其相邻近的细胞TAP相类似;

    The monophasic action potentials ( MAP ) and the transmembrance action potentials ( TAP ) were simultaneously recorded from the rabbit left ventricuiar epicardium in situ using a contact electrode and compared with those recorded with an intraceliular floating microelectrode .

  17. 方法在麻醉家兔心肌缺血/再灌注(MIR)模型上,观察MIR和RIP对家兔血流动力学、心肌耗氧量、心外膜电图和心肌梗死范围的影响。

    Methods The effects of ischemia-reperfusion and RIP on the hemodynamics , myocardial oxygen consumption , epicardial electrography and infarct size were examined in anesthetized rabbit .

  18. 在缺血条件下,心外膜下的心室肌细胞动作电位复极1期后切迹消失,且APD缩短程度明显大于心内膜下的心室肌细胞。

    Under ischemia condition , the notch of action potentials of subepicardial myocytes disappeared and the APD was shortened even more , compared with that of subendocardial myocytes ;

  19. 已有研究表明,鸡及小鼠胚胎心脏发育过程中,心外膜祖细胞经历EMT事件并能分化为血管内皮细胞,冠状动脉血管平滑肌细胞及心脏成纤维细胞。

    Previous studies in avian and mouse species have suggested that the epicardium is a source for vascular endothelial cells , coronary smooth cells and cardiac fibroblast cells .

  20. 同步记录缺血区(IZ)和非缺血区(NZ)心外膜单相动作电位(MAP),观察在体心脏缺血再灌注中后去极化与再灌注性心律失常(RA)之间的关系。

    In simultaneous recordings of the epicardial monophasic action potential ( MAP ) in the ischemic and non-ischemic zones , afterdepolarization and its relationship to reperfusion arrhythmias ( RA ) were investigated .

  21. 主要操作包括双侧肺静脉一左房移行部的隔离消融,左心耳切除,Marshall韧带离断,心外膜部分去神经化治疗等。

    Major operations , including a bilateral pulmonary vein isolation of left atrial ablation transitional Department , left atrial appendage removed , Marshall ligament transection , Epicardial part of the treatment to the nerve .

  22. Feridex体外标记自体BM-MNCs,然后经心外膜注射到4只模型犬心梗区。

    Autologous BM-MNCs were labeled by Feridex in vitro , and then were injected into MI regions on four models .

  23. 第二项研究被Emory心脏病学家MatthewJanik教授提交,它测量了接受运动试验患者的心外膜脂肪。

    The second study , presented by Emory cardiology fellow Matthew Janik , MD , measured epicardial fat in patients receiving a nuclear stress test .

  24. 本文介绍了XC-1心脏标测计时仪的心外膜标测方法,电路原理及临床应用。

    This paper introduces the XC-1 cardiac mapping timer with epicardial mapping method circuit principle and clinical application .

  25. a)组织多普勒检查:M型彩色多普勒测量左室长轴切面T波顶点时左室后壁(心内膜、心外膜)的心肌运动速度(Vendo、Vpi)、心肌运动速度跨壁梯度(MVGm);

    With color-coded M-mode TDI , the endocardial 、 epicardial velocities and the myocardial velocity gradient ( MVG ) were calculated within posterior wall from left ventricular long-axis view .

  26. ATP-MgCl2对麻醉心肌梗塞犬心外膜心电图的影响

    Effects of ATP-MgCl_2 on epicardial electrocardiogram in anesthetized dogs

  27. RUPV靠近心外膜的脂肪垫,而脂肪垫内有支配心房的迷走神经节及节后纤维。

    Meanwhile , RUPV is very close to the epicardial fat pads thereby the efferent vagal innervation to atria .

  28. Brugada模型时,内外膜间跨壁离散度和心外膜区域复极离散度均增加,提示复极弥散可能为其室性心律失常事件发生的主要基质。

    The transmural dispersion of repolarization ( TDR ) and epicardial dispersion of repolarization both increased in the Brugada model , suggesting that increased dispersion of repolarization might be the main stroma of ventricular arrhythmias .

  29. 冠脉结扎后7d,移植组经股静脉和心外膜分别注入骨髓间充质干细胞(含15×108细胞),对照组注入等量DMEM培养液。

    Seven days after ligations , BMSCs containing 15 × 108 cells were infused respectively through femoral vein or epicardium of recipient rats in SCT group , while DMEM culture medium of equal dosage was given in the control group .

  30. 方法应用全细胞钳制技术,对人右心室心外膜下(Epi)细胞、中间层(M)细胞和心内膜下(Endo)细胞复极1相Ito离子流的电流强度、密度和动力学过程进行研究。

    Methods Using whole cell patch-clamp technique , we researched the ionic intensity , density and the kinetic process of I_ to in repolarization phase 1 from the human right ventricular epicardial cells , mid-myocardial cells ( M cells ) and endocardial cells .