
xīn lǐ nián línɡ
  • mental age
  1. 莎拉已经将近四十岁了,但是心理年龄还是16岁。

    Sarah is almost forty but has a mental age of sixteen .

  2. 他的笑容和伸手都是针对儿子的心理年龄,而非身体年龄。

    The smile and the gesture were for the boy 's mental age , not his physical one .

  3. 通常来说,人的心理年龄和实际年龄间都有一个差距,或早于或晚于。

    Generally , there is a gap between mental and physical age , behind or advanced .

  4. 你的心理年龄多大?

    How old are you inside ?

  5. 大家都知道心理年龄对生理年龄的影响要比实际年龄大。

    It is now known that psychological age correlates more closely to biological age than chronological age .

  6. 从多种角度来看你的心理年龄,探讨多种可能的结局,游戏有多种不同的模式。

    Improve your mental age through daily exercise and play in story mode from a male or female perspective to explore several possible endings .

  7. 女人很注重男人的心理年龄,事实上,心理年龄的确比生理年龄更重要。

    The woman pays attention to the man 's mental age very much , in fact , mental age is really more important than physiological age .

  8. 一个心理年龄仅9岁的男子拥有大量关于外语单词和词尾的记忆,但似乎不能打破英语词序的思维定式。

    One man with a mental age of nine has a vast memory for foreign words and the use of grammatical endings , but he cannot seem to break free of English word-order .

  9. 根据有关分析和综合的概念理论以及儿童的心理年龄特点,以图形为材料,编制了分析测验和综合测验。

    In line with the analysis and comprehensiveness definitions as well as the mental and age traits of children , " analysis tests and comprehensive tests " built upon graphs have been compiled .

  10. 目的通过测定生理年龄和心理年龄,评价不同职业对人体老龄化过程的影响。

    Objectives The aging status of workers in different work categories was assessed with biological age ( BA ) that was divided into physiological age ( PhA ) and psychological age ( PsA ) .

  11. 一方面它起到满足女性在日常生活中的审美需要,提高女性生活质量,延伸女性心理年龄,增加女性生活丰富性的作用;

    On one hand , popular culture plays an important part in women 's daily life such as the need of aesthetics , enhance of life quality , extension of psychological age , colorfulness of life ;

  12. 当前世界许多国家都是以未成年人的生理年龄结合心理年龄作为其是否承当刑事责任的标准,着重考察未成年人的心智是否成熟,是否具有辨认和控制自己行为的能力。

    Now , many countries decide whether a minor should bear criminal responsibility based on their physiological age and mental age , and emphasize whether their mental are mature and have an ability to identify and control their behaviors .

  13. 青春期应该是生理和心理成长的年龄。

    Adolescence should be the age of physical and emotional development .

  14. 其中运动负荷、心理应激、年龄以及时间节律是运动猝死的影响因素。

    While exercise workload , psychological stress , age and biorhythm were influencing factors of exercise-related sudden death .

  15. 2-5岁儿童的心理理论随年龄增长而不断发展,4岁是儿童获得心理理论的关键年龄;

    The results of research show : ( 1 )" ToM " of 2-5 years old children develop constantly , and 4 years old is the key age in obtaining " ToM ";

  16. 产生钥匙儿童的心理影响会因年龄而不同。

    The effects of being a latchkey child differ with age .

  17. 心理疗法对不同年龄患者正畸治疗合作性的影响

    Influence of Psychotherapy on Patient Compliance at Different Ages in Orthodontics

  18. 成年人心理幸福感的年龄差异研究

    Research on age differences of psychological well-being of adults

  19. 青春期心理卫生问题的年龄特征

    Age Feature of Mental Disorders of Adolescence

  20. 中国北方人心理防御水平与年龄及职业关系初步探讨

    The primary research about the relative of the Chinese northerner mental defence level and ages and occupations

  21. 影响更年期妇女睡眠质量的相关因素为心理健康状况、年龄、个性特征等。

    The factors affecting sleep quality of menopausal women include mental health condition , age , personality , etc.

  22. 对孩子们来说,没有教育意义和心理需求,这个年龄段的孩子们根本不需要知道性行为的实际需要。

    There is no educational or psychological benefit or need for children of this age to have full knowledge of what sexual intercourse actually entails .

  23. 年龄独立作用于心理授权,并且年龄高的一组心理授权水平高于年龄低的一组。

    The age plays an independent role on the psychological empowerment , and the higher ones of age is higher than the lower ones on levels of psychological empowerment .

  24. 多因素分析:学生心理卫生状况与年龄、性别、父母文化、父母对子女的期望、人际关系以及学校风气、父母教育方式、家庭环境质量均有密切的关系。

    Multiple factor analysis : The mental health status of the students was closely related to age , gender , parents ' educational level and expectation , interpersonal sensitivity as well as school atmosphere , parental rearing pattern , and quality of family environment .