
niǔ ní
  • coy;bashful;blushing;sheepish
忸怩 [niǔ ní]
  • [bashful;blushing;sheepish] 形容羞愧或不大方的样子

忸怩[niǔ ní]
  1. 她和生人在一起,总是忸忸怩怩。

    She is always bashful among strangers .

  2. 歌声停止了,歌手们忸怩地微笑着,互相交换着眼色,接着沉默了片刻。

    The voices ceased , the singers , bashful but smiling , exchanged sidelong glances , and silence succeeded & but for a moment only .

  3. 她忸怩地笑了笑。

    She smiled bashfully .

  4. 她很端庄,丝毫不忸怩。

    She is modest without being coy

  5. 这使我的动作忸怩而不自然。

    This made my actions stilted and unnatural .

  6. 这里有一个姑娘显然是忸忸怩怩地被推进里面的人圈。

    Here a girl was being pushed forward into the inner circle with apparent reluctance .

  7. 这种结果会在与个人互动时表现害羞,忸怩的。

    The result is a sense of shame and self-consciousness that permeates every personal interaction .

  8. 他侧转身子,整理着衣服,坐立不安地忸怩了一阵子才说到下一件事上。

    He sidled around , dressing and fidgeting before he arranged to make his next remark .

  9. 这让我变得害羞和忸怩——这就成了被欺负的最佳目标。

    This made me shy and 14 ) self-conscious - a perfect target for 15 ) bullies .

  10. 这个十七岁的少女用和她的外表很不相称的忸怩幼嫩的声音回答。

    The seventeen-year-old replied in a coy , babyish voice which was quite at odds with her appearance .

  11. 南希虽然浑如参加辩论,但忸怩得不敢启齿。

    While she felt like joining in the argument , Nancy was too shy to open her mouth .

  12. 我需要得到艾克夫人一些精神上的支持,他有点忸怩地哭着说。

    " I 'll need some moral support with Mrs. Ike ," he said with a sheepish grin .

  13. 他显得忸怩羞怯,又和蔼又任性,显然他也是一个英国人。

    He looked diffident , and amiable , and independent , and he , too , was evidently english .

  14. 他不像一般乡里小伙子那样忸忸怩怩,而是在说话的时候热切地望着别人的眼睛。

    He did not hesitate like a farmer boy , but looked one eagerly in the eye when he spoke .

  15. “是埃”说着她又傻笑开了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的样子。

    Yes , she said , and she began to giggle again , sheepishly , and with a pretense of being coy .

  16. 自我暗示抛掉那些潜意识里消极的想法,因为它们只能让你看起来更害羞,更忸怩。

    Step 1 : Speak to inner gremlins Get rid of those subconscious negative thoughts that make you seem more shy and self-conscious .

  17. 我轻轻地拍拍杰森的肩忸怩地开口:“嗨,嗯,请你跳支舞好吗?”

    I tap Jason lightly on the shoulder and say timidly ," Hi , uh , would you like to dance with me ?"

  18. 他们相互邀请作伴,毫无忸怩之态;在她坦诚的信任里,她从来也不掩饰想和他在一起的愿望。

    They unaffectedly sought each other 's company ; in her honest faith she did not disguise her desire to be with him .

  19. 所以,赫温做着好梦一路走去时,布里变得每走一步便越发忐忑不安和忸怩不自然了。

    So while Hwin strolled along in a happy dream , Bree got more nervous and more self-conscious with every step he took .

  20. 史上说子路穿著破蔽的衣服,厕身于公卿之间,他也毫不忸怩畏怯。

    It is recorded in history that , dressed in ragged clothes , he mingled with lords and dukes without the slightest embarrassment or fear .

  21. 露西对他一向就有些不大自然。当他在她的桌旁坐下时,她带着几分忸怩接待了他。

    She had never been quite at her ease with him , and received him with some little embarrassment as he seated himself near her table .

  22. 像很多大一新生一样,我怀揣着惊奇、忸怩、不确定以及对未来四年毫无准备的手足无措感跨进了大学门槛。

    Like most freshmen , I arrived full of wide-eyed wonder and awkward self-consciousness , uncertain and somewhat unready for what the next four years would bring me .

  23. 他对于那些忸怩的委婉语或做作的新闻语极其不耐烦。“‘公平竞争平台'一旦出口/我瞬间陷入泥潭沼泽”。

    Often impatient with what he sees as euphemisms or newspeak - " It was some phrase like level playing field / that gunked me as he said it "

  24. 当他来到芝加哥,向面试官介绍自己时,那个人忽略了沃伦作为单一学科天才所拥有的自信心,直接注意到了他的忸怩和内心的脆弱。

    When he arrived in Chicago and introduced himself to the interviewer , the man saw past his confidence as a prodigy in a single subject straight through to his self-consciousness , his shaky inner core .