
  • 网络Huairou district
  1. 方法对怀柔区1994-2005年AFP监测系统报告的11例急性弛缓性麻痹病例进行流行病学分析。

    Methods 11 AFP cases reported by Huairou AFP surveillance system during 1994-2005 were analyzed .

  2. 目的对怀柔区AFP监测系统的敏感性、及时性、完整性进行评价。

    Objective To assess the operation of surveillance system on acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) in Huairou district .

  3. GIS北京市怀柔区市区两级空间信息共享应用平台的研究

    Research on GIS Two Urban Spatial Information Sharing Application Platform

  4. 基于3S技术的北京市农村地籍调查技术方法研究&以怀柔区试点为例

    Study on the Techniques and Methods of Rural Cadastral Investigation in Beijing Based on 3S Technologies & Taking Huairou District as an Example

  5. 目的:通过对在怀柔区就诊的276例性传播疾病(STD)的流行病学分析,了解STD在人群中的流行情况,为预防和控制STD在人群中的传播蔓延提供依据。

    Objective : Based on epidemiological analysis of 276 patients with sexually transmitted diseases ( STD ), to realize the epidemic situations of STD in population , affording grounds for prevention and control of transmission of STD in population .

  6. 方法:对怀柔区2003年疫情上报系统报告和在各性病防治门诊登记的病人进行统计学分析。结果:显示STD病人发病年龄在19-49岁的青壮年,男性高于女性;

    Methods : Statistical analysis was made of STD patients reported by epidemic report system and registered in STD control outpatient clinics of Huairou District in 2003 . Results : Onset of STD occurred in adults aged 19-49 , males more than females ;

  7. 目的对怀柔区实施调节水氟浓度预防龋齿项目进行成本效益分析。

    Objective To conduct the cost-effective analysis of water fluoridation program .

  8. 来自怀柔区某商业建筑工地的工人李师傅说。

    Huairou district from a commercial construction site Master Li said the workers .

  9. 北京市怀柔区旅游业可持续发展评价研究

    Studies on the Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Tourism in Huairou District of Beijing

  10. 北京市怀柔区1例流行性脑脊髓膜炎死亡病例的调查

    Investigation of A Death Case of Meningococcal Meningitis in Huairou District of Beijing City

  11. 北京市怀柔区2004&2007年性传播疾病的流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Huairou District of Beijing City during 2004-2007

  12. 行动研究的对象是北京市怀柔区红螺寺中学高三年级的40名学生。

    The research subjects are40 students in Senior Grade Three in Huairou Hongluosi High School .

  13. 北京市怀柔区中小学校控烟现况调查

    Investigation of Tobacco Control in Primary and secondary schools in Huairou District of Beijing City

  14. 多源遥感数据在土地利用图件更新中的应用&以怀柔区为例

    A research on use of land-use map updating based on multi-source RS data in HuaiRou district

  15. 北京市怀柔区青少年伤害相关行为及其影响因素分析

    Analysis of Adolescent Injury Related Behavior and Its Influencing Factors in Huairou District of Beijing City

  16. 中学生物教学中青春期性教育对策的实验研究北京市怀柔区中学生青春期性教育必要性分析

    Necessity Analysis of Adolescent Sex Education among Middle School Students in Huairou District of Beijing City

  17. 北京市怀柔区2007&2008年度手足口病发病情况及防控措施分析

    Incidence of Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease and Control Measures Analysis in Huairou District of Beijing City during 2007-2008

  18. 北京市怀柔区儿童口腔健康状况的调查与分析&怀柔区调节水氟浓度预防龋齿可行性研究

    Oral health survey on children in Huairou county-study on the feasibility of water fluoridation in Huairou county

  19. 北京市怀柔区中学生成瘾行为现况及其相关因素

    Current Status and Related Factors of Addiction Behavior of Middle School Students in Huairou District of Beijing City

  20. 北京市怀柔区农村社区高血压综合干预效果观察

    The Observation of Comprehensive Intervention Effect for Patients with Hypertension in a Rural Community of Huairou District , Beijing City

  21. 怀柔区企事业单位女职工更年期症状与保健需求调查每个职工都有权查看企业的工资单。

    Investigation on menopausal symptoms and health demand of female employee in enterprises of Huairou District the company had a large payroll .

  22. 模糊综合评判方法在旅游地环境质量研究中的应用&以北京市怀柔区为例

    Application of the Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluation Method to Environmental Quality Study of Tourism Destinations & A Case of Huairou District of Beijing

  23. 北京市怀柔区妇女病防治知识、行为和普查普治服务现状

    Status of the knowledge and behavior of gynecopathy prevention and the general screening and treatment service of gynecopathy in Huairou District , Beijing City

  24. 北京怀柔区儿童全身氟摄入和尿氟的实验室研究&北京怀柔区调节水氟浓度预防龋齿可行性研究(二)

    Laboratory study on systemic fluoride intake and urine fluoride content of Huairou children & Study on the feasibility of water fluoridation in Huairou county (ⅱ)

  25. 在此基础上,结合北京怀柔区北宅村的情况,以鹅和鸭农庄为例,对分工共生和合作共生两种经营者共生模式进行深入探讨,总结实现可持续发展的乡村旅游共生机制。

    Taking Goose and Duck Club as an example , we draw conclusions on two sorts of derivative symbiotic models , and discuss symbiotic mechanism of rural tourism sustainable development .

  26. 以怀柔区北宅村为具体实例,对北宅村实施生态村建设的措施以及为实现生态村建设的目标所进行的社会保障体系建设方面进行了研究和探讨。

    The paper take the Beizhai village which located in Huairou as study case , explores the measure and social security system construction which assisted the aim of ecological village construction .

  27. 工会参与社会建设的路径分析&以北京市怀柔区总工会社会建设的实践为例

    Analyzing on the Way of the Participation of the Trade Union into Social Construction & A Case of the Social Construction of the General Trade Union in Huairou District , Beijing

  28. 最后以北京怀柔区桥梓镇生态景观园的湿地景观设计为例,研究和探讨了湿地景观设计手法的具体应用。

    The applications of wetland landscape design methods in practical cases are discussed , with the wetland landscape design project in the ecological landscape park of Qiaozi , Huairou District , Beijing .

  29. 该公司承诺通过其旗下各个社交网络平台和用户数据库,参与到保护箭扣长城的行动中来。箭扣长城位于北京市怀柔区,是我国亟需保护的长城段之一。

    The company pledged to help preserve Jiankou Great Wall , one of the sections in danger , located in Huairou district of Beijing , through its diverse social networking platforms and users ' data base .

  30. 结果10年来结核病控制,怀柔区结核病新登记率及涂阳新登记率均逐年下降(年递减率分别为11.1%和9.3%)。

    Result In 10 years period of the implementation efforts , the case rate and new case rate of tuberculisis decreased annually ( The annual reduced rate was 11 1 % and 9 3 % , respectively ) .