
  • 网络idling
  1. 汽油机怠速工况下HC和CO排放机理的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Mechanisms of HC and CO Emissions under Idling Speed in Gasoline Engines

  2. 在空燃比较高(大于13)的情况下,采用适当的废气再循环可显著降低排气中HC的生成量,这为改善现代汽油机怠速工况下的排放水平提供了有效的途径。

    Under the conditions of high air / fuel ratio ( higher than 13 ) proper EGR ( Exhaust Gas Recirculation ) can reduce HC emissions dramatically , which suggests a good method to improve the emissions level under idling speed in modern gasoline engines .

  3. 轿车发动机怠速工况CO排放统计特征

    Statistical Feature of Car Engines CO Emission on Idle Condition

  4. 怠速工况的CH和CO的排放有所改善。

    The emission of CH and CO at idle operating modes is improved .

  5. LPG小型点燃式发动机怠速工况下微粒排放特性研究

    Characteristics of Particulate Emissions at Idle from a Small LPG EFI SI Engines

  6. 建立了基于悬置元件怠速工况下动刚度的发动机悬置系统MATLAB力学模型。

    A mechanics model for engine mount system is established with MATLAB based on dynamic stiffness of engine mounts in idle condition .

  7. 结果表明预测PID控制器具有良好的控制效果,能够实现怠速工况的转速稳定性控制。

    Result of simulation indicates that predictive-PID controller has good effective control . It can realize the constant speed control of idle condition .

  8. 分析了化油器式汽油发动机怠速工况下HC与CO的排放特点,研究了治理的措施,并设计出实用的净化装置。

    The letting characteristic of HC and CO when gasoline engine using carburettor in idle speed , studying the way of administer , a new purify device had been designed .

  9. 结果表明:EGR、轨压的降低和预喷射能有效控制怠速工况燃烧噪声,为实际柴油机怠速噪声控制提供参考。

    The results show that EGR , lower pressure of injection and pilot injection can effectively control combustion noise in idle condition .

  10. 研究了智能控制理论在发动机控制中的应用,(1)CMAC神经网络控制在发动机喷油控制中应用;(2)模糊控制在怠速工况和部分负荷工况控制中应用;

    The intelligent theory in engine control is studied , CMAC neural network and expert system is used in engine control , fuzzy theory is used in idle running and part loading mode .

  11. 在LPG发动机试验台上,开展起动、燃料转换控制和怠速工况排放试验,初步考核了船用LPG发动机喷射控制系统的性能。

    The start test , fuel switch control test and idle condition emission test are carried out on the LPG engine test bench , and a preliminary control performance assessment for the marine LPG engine injection control system are made .

  12. 本文介绍了自行研发的四冲程摩托车汽油机用MCEFI电喷系统在发动机怠速工况的匹配研究。

    This paper introduces the idling matching test about MCEFI motorcycle electronic fuel injection system for four-stroke engines .

  13. 汽油机怠速工况尾气净化研究

    Cleaning Way of the Tail Gas during Engine in Idle Speed

  14. 小排量电喷发动机怠速工况控制方法研究

    Study on Idle Speed Control Strategy for Low-displacement EFI Engine

  15. 基于遗传算法的怠速工况最优模糊控制系统设计

    Design of GA-based Optimizing Fuzzy Control System for Idel Speed

  16. 发动机怠速工况具有非线性特性.车用汽油机怠速排放特性研究

    Study on Exhaust Emission Characteristics of an Auto Gasoline Engine at Idle Speed

  17. 怠速工况下发动机性能的研究

    The Research of the Engine Performance under Idle Speed

  18. 汽油机怠速工况下受到的干扰力矩来自于车载设备,这类干扰力矩具有不确定性和能量有界的特点。

    The disturbances which mainly come from equipments are uncertain and have limited energy .

  19. 汽油发动机怠速工况下控制方法的研究

    Gasoline Engine Control Strategy on Idle Working Condition

  20. 摩托车汽油机电喷系统怠速工况的优化匹配研究

    The Study on Optimized Matching Test of Electronic Fuel Injection System for Motorcycle Engine Idling Operation

  21. 在发动机试验台上对基于经验参数的模糊控制系统和最优模糊控制系统怠速工况下转速变化进行了测试,绘制了速度输出曲线。

    Output speed of expert fuzzy controller and optimizing fuzzy controller is measured using engine test-bed .

  22. 对怠速工况下回火现象的生成机理进行理论分析,研究了氢燃料发动机怠速控制策略。

    The mechanism of backfire in idle condition is theoretically analyzed and the idle control strategy is studied .

  23. 怠速工况发动机富氧燃烧排放及其稳定性研究贫燃预混旋流火焰燃烧不稳定性的实验

    Emission and Combustion Stability Under Engine Idling Condition with Oxygen-Enriched Intake Charge Experimental study on combustion instability of lean premixed swirl flame

  24. 怠速工况是发动机的重要工况之一,与发动机的排放水平、能源消耗有密切的关系。

    Idle speed condition which has close relation to the engine emissions and energy consumption , is one of the important working condition .

  25. 针对某汽车空调用斜盘式压缩机在怠速工况下运转时引起的车内噪声的问题进行了试验研究。

    In this paper , an experimental research is carried out on the car interior noise caused by air conditioning compressor during idling condition .

  26. 在噪声背景下,要想准确地恢复那些发生了非线性畸变的信号,通常是很困难的。丝光沸石单胞铝原子数与晶胞参数非线性相关;发动机怠速工况具有非线性特性。

    In the presence of noise , it is difficult to restore exactly a signal distorted by a system having static , invertible , nonlinear characteristics .

  27. 结合怠速工况、简易工况法分析了汽车排放污染物检测仪器的结构原理。

    The paper analyzed structure and principle of examine instrument , which may meet inspect polluting emission of Idle speed and acceleration simulation mode in GB18285-2005 .

  28. 怠速工况试验表明,优化后的挂钩不仅降低了车内驾驶员右耳侧噪声,而且减小了排气系统传到车身地板的振动。

    Test result shows that vibration from exhaust system to floor and sound pressure to driver 's right ear on idle running are reduced with the optimized hanger systems .

  29. 摘要由于城市交通拥挤,城市车辆常处于怠速工况导致燃油消耗增加,车辆燃油经济性差。

    Vehicle fuel economy is poor , because the urban traffic is congested , the auto is constantly in the idle condition resulting in the increase of fuel consumption .

  30. 发动机在怠速工况下受多种外部负载影响,其中主要的是四种:汽车空调,电动助力转向,变速齿轮和交流发电机。

    Engine idle condition is affected by a variety of external torque , which is the main four : air conditioning , power steering , transmission gear and alternator .